Info on requirements for entry/visas for Venezuela
The following offices represent the interests of Venezuela in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The following offices represent the interests of Venezuela in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The list is only available in French
Etat au 15.09.2024
Waldeggstrasse 47, 3097 Liebefeld
Case Postale 237, 3097 Liebefeld
031/350 57 57
téléfax 031 371 64 69
Section consulaire de l'Ambassade
Waldeggstrasse 47, 3097 Liebefeld
Case Postale 237, 3097 Liebefeld
09h00 - 13h00
031/350 57 53
téléfax 031/371 64 69
Last update 26.01.2022