Speeches by the head and representatives of the FDFA.
Swiss representative to the UN
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations General Assembly Plenary Meeting on the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization.
Swiss representative to the UN
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Arria Formula Meeting on "Counter the Misuse and Proliferation of Commercial Spyware".
Jans Beat
Rede von Bundesrat Beat Jans
Swiss representative to the UN; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on Threats to International Peace and Security.
Swiss representative to the UN; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement before the vote delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Adoption on AUSSOM (Situation in Somalia).
Swiss representative to the UN; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on TIPS (Ukraine).
Swiss representative to the UN; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on UNOWAS (West Africa and the Sahel).
Swiss representative to the UN; Joint Statement
Joint Press Stakeout by the Security Council members that have joined the Joint Pledges on Climate, Peace and Security on UNOWAS (West Africa and the Sahel).
Viola Amherd
Medienstatement von Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd, Chefin des Eidgenössischen Departements für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (VBS), nach dem Treffen mit EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen anlässlich der materiell abgeschlossenen Verhandlungen zwischen der Schweiz und der Europäischen Union (EU), Bern, Freitag, 20. Dezember 2024.
Swiss representative to the UN
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Ministerial-level Briefing on the situation in Sudan.
Swiss representative to the UN
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on Maintenance of international peace and security - Artificial intelligence.
Swiss representative to the UN
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on Non-proliferation (Democratic People's Republic of Korea).
Last update 29.01.2022
FDFA Communication
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3003 Bern
Phone (for journalists only):
+41 58 460 55 55
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+41 58 462 31 53