Meetings can either be held in Strasbourg (for instance, with a staff member of Switzerland’s Permanent Representation to the Council of Europe) or in Switzerland (with members of the Parliamentary Assembly, of the Council of Communities and Regions of Europe, or of the Federal Administration). 

Contact can be established through

  • Permanent Representation of Switzerland to the Council of Europe, for a meeting with one of its staff members
  • the Secretariat of the Swiss Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly, for a meeting with one of its members
  • the Council of Europe Section of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), for a meeting with a member of the Council of Communities and Regions of Europe
  • the FDFA’s Conference Service, for a meeting with a member of the Federal Administration

Visits to the Council of Europe must be booked by the group leader in advance through the Visitors' Service Office of the Organisation. Tours are organised for at least 15 people. 

Last update 26.01.2022


Mission/Delegation/Permanent Representation Strasbourg European Council

Représentation permanente de la Suisse auprès du Conseil de l'Europe
23, rue Herder
67000 Strasbourg


+33 388 35 00 72


+33 388 36 73 54

Eurasia Division

Council of Europe and OSCE Section

Federal Palace West
3003 Bern


+41 58 464 69 48

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