Review of FDFA processes and structures
On Wednesday 19 August 2020 the Federal Council held its first deliberations on structural adjustments within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in line with the Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23.

«Strategy – structures – people»: On 19 August 2020 the Federal Council held its first deliberations on structural adjustments within the FDFA in line with the Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23. © FDFA
Several media outlets have become aware of the consultation document through leaks. Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis therefore informed his staff on Friday 21 August 2020 that he had submitted the consultation document to the Federal Council.
«Strategy – structures – people»
The new foreign policy strategy was approved by the Federal Council in January of this year. By the end of 2020 the FDFA intends to have reviewed and adapted as necessary its structures within the department and decided on the key positions to be filled, particularly the successor to Acting State Secretary Krystyna Marty. In doing so, the FDFA – as already mentioned several times by Mr Cassis – is proceeding in the order 'strategy – structures – people'.
The FDFA began planning for this once the Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23 was approved in January. It is now at the implementation stage. On 19 August 2020 Ignazio Cassis informed the Federal Council about this so that the FDFA can include the Federal Council's considerations in the process. The work is now continuing as planned.