Bern, Press releases, 28.08.2013

Switzerland is extremely concerned by the political and humanitarian situation in Syria and strongly condemns the serious violations of international humanitarian law which culminated in the alleged use of chemical weapons. Switzerland reiterates its appeal to reason and to all sides to assume their responsibilities and work towards a political solution. Everything possible must be done as a matter of urgency to protect the civilian population in accordance with humanitarian rules.

The political and humanitarian situation in Syria and its neighbouring countries is most alarming. The only feasible solution is a political one. Switzerland deeply regrets that the United Nations Security Council has not yet been able to find an effective joint international response to the Syrian tragedy.

Switzerland has been promoting political action through its support for the Geneva Declaration, which remains the only attempt to find a peaceful negotiated solution to the conflict. Switzerland reiterates the urgent need to spare no effort in organising a new conference in Geneva, as desired and accepted by key Syrian and international stakeholders.

Since June 2012, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs has taken the initiative of demanding that the case of Syria be referred to the International Criminal Court to prevent serious crimes from going unpunished, whoever the alleged perpetrators may be. This step was supported by 57 other states and remains highly relevant. Priority must be given to fact finding, and Switzerland has offered to make available its technical and legal expertise in this area.

Switzerland will continue to provide humanitarian assistance in Syria and in neighbouring countries experiencing an influx of refugees. Furthermore, Switzerland will continue to provide its good offices to contribute to a lasting peace that guarantees the rights of all Syrians.

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