Press releases

Here you can find the last 12 media releases and other news published by the FDFA, such as statements, announcements and articles, in chronological order.

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Object 181 – 192 of 239

Swiss people mobilised to help South Sudan's displaced populations

18.06.2014 — Article DEZA

Andrea Cippa, Barbara Egger Maldonado, Arnold Egli and Dominique Reinecke each worked for the UNHCR or the World Food Programme (WFP) in South Sudan and Ethiopia for several months. What they have in common is that they are all members of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) and they have all worked to improve the lives of displaced persons and refugees in the region. Having returned from their missions, they explain the significance of their respective commitments.

Switzerland commits an additional CHF 4.5 million for South Sudan

20.05.2014 — Press releases EDA
Switzerland has allocated an additional CHF 4.5 million for the victims of the crisis in South Sudan. This was announced on Tuesday at a conference of donor countries held in Oslo. Switzerland’s overall financial commitment to humanitarian aid for this country in the Horn of Africa will amount to CHF 18 million in 2014.

«We do whatever is possible»

16.05.2014 — Article DEZA

An engineer by profession, Henri Stalder has been a member of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) since 2002. He has taken part in SHA missions in several countries in this capacity. Since January 2014 has Henri Stalder been made available to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria where he runs the shelter sector. This sector provides emergency accommodation to displaced persons and reconstructs damaged buildings. Henri Stalder embodies the various types of support Switzerland provides to the victims of the conflict. Interview performed in May 2014.

The SDC maintains its efforts for the reconstruction of Rwanda

07.04.2014 — Article DEZA

Twenty years since Rwanda was devastated by war in 1994, a certain amount of stability has returned in the country. Together with other donors, Switzerland has made major contributions to the ongoing reconstruction efforts. The current SDC operations in Rwanda seek to further improve the working of institutions to give the population access to good quality basic services and an environment conducive to employment.

Swiss Humanitarian Aid Annual Conference: new instruments for more complex crises

14.03.2014 — Press releases EDA
"Living Humanitarian Responsibility" is the title of this year's Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid. At the annual conference on 14 March, the President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr Didier Burkhalter, and SDC Director-General Martin Dahinden spoke about Switzerland's humanitarian actors. Swiss experts gave presentations on the response by Swiss Humanitarian Aid to current crises.

Federal Council approves a contribution of CHF 33.7 million to UNRWA

26.02.2014 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 26 February 2014, the Federal Council approved a contribution of CHF 33.7 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This contribution covers the period 2014–2015. Through its humanitarian and development aid for millions of refugees, UNRWA plays a key stabilising role in the region.

Switzerland supports humanitarian aid for the Syrian crisis with a further CHF 30 million

13.01.2014 — Press releases EDA
War has been raging in Syria for more than 1000 days; the humanitarian situation in the region is catastrophic. According to UN estimates, approximately 9.3 million people in Syria need humanitarian aid. The number of refugees has more than tripled to 2.3 million over the last 12 months and is expected to exceed 4 million by the end of 2014. In view of the situation, the UN is about to convene another donor conference in Kuwait during which it will call on the international community to provide USD 6.5 billion in assistance this year. Switzerland will pledge additional assistance in response to this appeal for humanitarian aid – the largest the UN has made to date.

Switzerland steps up support for victims of crisis in Central African Republic

20.12.2013 — Press releases EDA
In view of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic (CAR), Switzerland has allocated CHF 800,000 for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to protect internally displaced persons. This commitment is in addition to the support totalling CHF 2.7 million that Switzerland has already earmarked for 2013 for the emergency operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the World Food Programme (WFP), the UNHCR and Médecins sans frontières (MSF).

A further CHF 5 million of winter aid for victims of the Syrian crisis

12.12.2013 — Press releases EDA
Since the conflict in Syria began, the third winter has now set in. The cold, the rain and the snow are making conditions radically worse for people displaced within the country and those that have fled to neighbouring lands. This situation has prompted Switzerland to donate a further CHF 5 million to the victims of the conflict who are suffering hardship. The money is to be used to fund winter programmes run by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and by the UNHCR in Syria, and to provide Save the Children in Jordan with material assistance to withstand the winter.

Temporary visa facilitation for Syrian nationals lifted

29.11.2013 — Press releases EDA
On 4 September 2013, the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) ordered an easing of visa requirements for Syrian nationals with relatives in Switzerland. This measure was aimed at facilitating temporary stay for war-afflicted relatives of Syrians living in Switzerland. As most of the relatives who were in direct need and therefore entitled to facilitated visa requirements have since made use of the measure, the directive was lifted on Friday by the FDJP.

Swiss national appointed commissioner-general of UNRWA

20.11.2013 — Press releases EDA
Pierre Krähenbühl, current director of operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), has been appointed commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) by the UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon.

Object 181 – 192 of 239

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Last update 19.07.2023

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