CGIAR: Partenariat mondial de recherche agricole – Core Contribution

Projet terminé

Le CGIAR est un partenariat mondial de recherche agricole qui s’emploie à réduire la pauvreté, à accroître la sécurité alimentaire, à améliorer la santé et l’alimentation des populations ainsi qu’à assurer une gestion plus durable des ressources naturelles. Ses activités scientifiques se divisent en seize programmes thématiques mondiaux et sont financées par le Fonds du CGIAR et des subventions bilatérales.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Monde entier
Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire
Recherche agronomique
Développement agricole
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015
CHF  46’500’000
Domaine de compétences

The Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is a multilateral research system in the field of Agriculture Research for Development (ARD). The CGIAR has a unique role in providing international and global public goods through high-quality agricultural research, partnership, and leadership in the areas of poverty and hunger reduction, improvement of human health and nutrition, and enhancement of ecosystem resilience.

Priorités stratégiques de la Suisse et de l'organisation et leur cohérence

The mandate of the CGIAR is largely in line with three out of five global themes mentioned in the Federal dispatch (Botschaft) 2013-2016: Food Security, Climate Change and Water, and indirectly Nutrition & Health. The CGIAR is a key global partner for SDC's support to international agricultural research for development, particularly under the Global Program Food Security (GPFS) core issue 1 'Sustainability of Production Systems’; entry point 1 ‘Strengthen Agricultural Research for Development’ (GPFS Strategic Framework 2010-2015). The multilateral commitment to the CGIAR system complements and strengthens SDC’s engagement with the CGIAR at country and regional levels.

Résultats de l'engagement déployé à ce jour par l'organisation

All sixteen CGIAR Research Programs have been approved by the Fund Council (FC) meetings in 2012 and are now fully operational. The ‘Strategy and Result Framework (SRF) Action Plan 2013’ was endorsed at FC8, shaping the process to address the shortcomings of the SRF in 2013.

Résultats de l'engagement déployé à ce jour par la Suisse

The inaugural Fund Council (2011-2012) was evaluated, and the composition of the FC 2013-2015 determined, giving the Europeans significantly more weight (four constituency seats plus three recognition seats, that means seven seats in total, of which one for Switzerland). A system-wide gender strategy was approved.

Effets directs de l'engagement actuel de l'organisation

CGIAR Research Programs (CRP) are streamlined towards impact generation, and their contributions to CGIAR system level outcomes (SLO) can be assessed. The ongoing CGIAR Governance review (2012/2013) and the planned midterm review of the CGIAR reform 2013/14 inform the Fund Council and Consortium decisions on required organizational adjustments.

Effets directs de l'engagement actuel de la Suisse

SDC is an active member of the European Initiative for Agriculture Research for Development (EIARD) and thereby leverages the Swiss and European influence CGIAR Fund Council on decisions items. SDC continues to chair EIARD (representing 45% of the funding in the CGIAR Fund, and 39.2% of the total funding invested into the CGIAR) in 2013. SDC windows of observation at system level are partnership, capacity development and gender.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération au développement
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Institution universitaire et de recherche étrangère
  • Groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    46’500’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    46’500’000
Donateur d'ordre



64 donors in total. Major donor countries: US, UK, Canada, Norway, Germany, Australia, Japan, NL, Sweden, & Belgium. Foundations/ Int. Org.: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EC, WB, IFAD.

Coordination avec autres projets et acteurs

Coordination through active involvement EIARD i.e. EU member countries, EC, Norway and Switzerland. CGIAR Fund Council: Switzerland holds one of the four European seats in the FC in 2013, 2014, and 2015.

Phases du projet Phase 10 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Phase en cours) Phase 9 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021   (Completed) Phase 8 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019   (Completed) Phase 7 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016   (Completed)

Phase 6 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015   (Completed)