Contribution to Education Cannot Wait 2022-2024

222 million children and adolescents in emergency situations are in need of education support. The fund Education Cannot Wait (ECW) provides education opportunities for millions of girls and boys affected by crises, bridging the gap between humanitarian and development aid. Through its partnership with ECW, Switzerland contributes to influencing global agenda setting, strengthening crisis resilient education systems and affirming the International Geneva as a global platform for education in emergencies.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
A nivel mundial
Primary education
Secondary education
Política de educación
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
CHF  25’000’000

Many gaps remain to make sure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education by 2030, as stipulated by SDG 4. The 222 million children and adolescents affected by emergencies or protracted crises who require education support belong to the most deprived when it comes to their right to education. Lacking education during crises has long-term negative effects on individuals’ resilience, prospects for life and work, as well as on countries’ longer-term social and economic stability. Addressing children’s and adolescents’ education and protection needs during crises demands both rapid response and longer-term planning.

ECW is a global innovative funding mechanism at the nexus of humanitarian and development aid with offices in Geneva and New York. It addresses both short term and longerterm education needs complementary to other education funds, such as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). A contribution to ECW is coherent with SDC’s enhanced education engagement in fragile and crises-affected contexts. SDC’s involvement in ECW’s governance bodies allows Switzerland to bring in its hands-on expertise of development-humanitarian nexus approaches. Through its partnership with ECW, Switzerland also contributes to influencing global agenda setting, strengthening crisis-resilient education systems and affirming the International Geneva as a global platform for education in emergencies. 

Objetivos To ensure that children and adolescents affected by crises realize their right to safe and inclusive education and achieve holistic learning outcomes.
Grupos destinarios 17 million children and adolescents aged 3-18 years affected by emergencies and protracted crises caused by armed conflict, climate-induced disaster and disease outbreak, as well as teachers, educational authorities and parents.
Efectos a medio plazo


1)    Increased gender-equitable participation, retention and completion in safe and inclusive learning spaces

2)    Improved inclusive, gender-equitable holistic learning outcomes and well-being for children and adolescents


SDC's objectives:

1)    Contributing to ECW’s strategic decisionmaking for reinforcing complementarity with the GPE and leveraging of Swiss interests both on a global and country level 

2)    Increasing engagement with the ECW office in Geneva in view of a strong positioning of International Geneva as a global education in emergencies hub Creating synergies between SDC support to ECW and SDC’s bilateral engagement in fragile and protracted crisis contexts


Resultados previstos:  

1)    More and better funding for education in emergencies and protracted crises (especially for “forgotten” crises)

2)    Stronger capacities, systems and partnerships on education in emergencies and protracted crises (including stronger coordination at the nexus, localization and better data)

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

Since ECW’s inception in 2016: 

-    Over 6.9 million children and adolescents (48.4% girls, 37% refugees and IDPs) affected by conflict or disaster received educational assistance in 41 countries.

-    87,367 teachers (47% female) were trained with ECW’s support and 58,207 classrooms received materials and textbooks.

-    ECW mobilized 1.04 billion USD in funding to finance its education programmes.  

-    ECW’s advocacy contributed to increased political and financial support for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
  • Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia

Otras contrapartes
UNICEF / Education Cannot Wait
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores


Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies,


Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    25’000’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    16’660’000
Fases del proyecto Fase 2 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Fase en curso) Fase 1 01.12.2019 - 31.12.2021   (Completed)