Ukraine: Anti-Corruption and Asset Recovery Support Project (ACARSU)

The devastating situation caused by the ongoing Russian military aggression against Ukraine necessitates a transparent and sustainable recovery process, which gives a boost to anti-corruption reforms. Switzerland, through Basel Institute on Governance, will strengthen capacities and expertise of relevant institutions and law enforcement agencies to enhance transparency and accountability in the recovery process. In order to ensure the most efficient use of its recovery funding, Switzerland will mainstream anti-corruption approaches in its cooperation programmes in Ukraine.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Anti-corruption organisations
Legal and judicial development
01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026
CHF  3’030’000

The ongoing large-scale Russian military aggression against Ukraine is destroying the economy and infrastructure. “Build back better” is a crucial prerequisite for Ukraine’s recovery, both economically, socially and politically. Unprecedented funding to enable this reconstruction is needed from the international community. Therefore, an effective anti-corruption system encompassing both the recovery relevant institutions and law enforcement agencies will provide crucial defences in the fight against corruption. As a long-term partner of Ukraine and in its engagement for the countries’ recovery, Switzerland puts a particular emphasis on transparent and corruption-free recovery processes to ensure that its funding arrives where it is most needed.

The recovery of stolen assets plays an important role in the fight against corruption; it not only strengthens the rule of law and acts as a deterrent to further corruption, but also restitutes precious resources for public services. Despite weak judicial institutions and political interference in high-level corruption cases, targeted technical assistance in key agencies will help equip to build stronger cases and cooperate more effectively with foreign jurisdictions, thus creating the necessary conditions for the recovery of these funds.

Objectives Ukraine’s recovery efforts are made more efficient and effective with the help of robust anti-corruption systems. 
Target groups

National: Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure, Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ), SOE Forests of Ukraine, civil society organisations (e.g. Transparency International Ukraine)

Regional and Local: Regional and local authorities, civil society organizations

For Asset Recovery: Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG), National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU)

Technical assistance community in priority sectors of Switzerland’s engagement in Ukraine

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Recovery-relevant agencies and state-owned enterprises (SOE) strengthen anti-corruption prevention efforts.

Outcome 2: Empowered anti-corruption enforcement agencies continue delivering high-quality and impartial investigations and prosecutions during martial/post-martial law period. 

Outcome 3: Priority sector support by the Swiss technical cooperation mainstreams anti-corruption approaches.


Expected results:  

  • Recovery-related agencies and SOEs receive technical assistance to increase their performance on core integrity strengthening tasks such as the development of integrity risk mapping, analysis, evaluation and mitigation plans
  • Recovery-related agencies and SOEs’ risk mitigation measures are implemented
  • Law enforcement agencies receive technical assistance primarily through on-the-job coaching on an agreed list of priority cases, structured trainings addressing capacity gaps of the respective organizations and support in international cooperation with foreign jurisdictions
  • Backstopping, training and advice upon demand provided to Swiss cooperation projects: needs assessments, access to customized anti-corruption advice to mitigate potential risks, relevant staff of projects learn how to mitigate corruption risks

Results from previous phases:   The Swiss based Basel Institute on Governance (BIG) has been collaborating with Ukrainian law enforcement authorities since the 2014, with a particular focus on assets stolen by former President Yanukovych and his entourage, including those frozen by the Federal Council in Switzerland. BIG delivered both case support and extensive training, as well as recommendations for the development of a national Asset Recovery strategy. A parallel track involved the development of anti-corruption compliance, including the support in the set-up of the Ukrainian Ombudsman and the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance. Since 2020, the Basel Institute has advised the Ukrainian Roads Authority on corruption prevention. After the 24.02.2022, efforts have shifted significantly to support the Ukrainian government in the areas of recovery with integrity and rule of law based war-time asset confiscation and sanctions enforcement. 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
Swiss Academic and Research Institution
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Other Swiss academic and research institutions
  • Other Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Basel Institute, Switzerland

Coordination with other projects and actors
  • The project aims to boost the transversal nature of good governance and public integrity in the Swiss Cooperation Programme. Projects across the cooperation domains will benefit from the targeted advice and expertise to be more effective/efficient
  • The project complements Switzerland’s core contribution to the Basel Institute, as well as political and financial support to anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine by the EU, US, UK, and other western countries
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    3’030’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    750’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   930’000
Project phases Phase 2 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026   (Current phase) Phase 1 01.12.2018 - 30.09.2023   (Completed)