North Macedonia

Switzerland’s transition assistance in North Macedonia is based on shared interests in achieving socio-economic development, stability, security and Euro-Atlantic integration. Significant progress has been made since the Republic of North Macedonia gained independence in 1991, but the country still lags behind in some areas of reform, such as decentralisation, rule of law, economic development and public services.

Map of Macedonia
Map of North Macedonia © FDFA

The Republic of North Macedonia is a multi-ethnic state with an estimated population of approximately two million people. Following an early transition to a market economy, North Macedonia achieved visible progress in economic and social development. The country rapidly became a front-runner among the Western Balkan states for Euro-Atlantic integration, but still needs to implement reforms to strengthen democratic governance, to support inclusive economic development and to address critical environment issues.

Democratic governance

In the area of democratic governance, the Swiss Cooperation Programme in North Macedonia seeks to build the democratic capacity of executive and legislative institutions and empower civil society. Switzerland’s support is helping central and local authorities to become more accountable, transparent, and inclusive. Switzerland remains dedicated to encouraging citizen participation in a local and regional decision-making.

State and Economic Reforms

Sustainable economic development

Switzerland’s support in the economic sector aims to improve employment prospects and create sustainable economic growth. It helps job seekers to access the labour market through vocational education and training programmes that are geared to the needs of the market. At the same time, it promotes private sector development, particularly start-ups, in order to create better access to new markets and higher revenue value chains.  Switzerland is also actively involved in efforts to improve employment conditions by encouraging employers to offer decent and inclusive job opportunities.

Private Sector Development and Financial Services

Environment and sustainable public utility services

The country’s natural resources and wealth of biodiversity are considered a major factor in its development. By providing technical assistance and catalytic investment in digital transformation and climate-resilient, low-carbon infrastructure and equipment, Switzerland enables selected municipalities and their public utilities to provide high quality, reliable, efficient public utility services for citizens.

Sustainable public utilities, improved natural resources management and enhanced community resilience to natural disasters will increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of urban and rural areas, and contribute to steady economic growth and enhanced quality of life. 

Water – A Vital Resource Under Threat

Approach and partners

The 2021–24 cooperation programme is implemented jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Switzerland’s cooperation is grounded in formal agreements with the government. It takes part in multi-donor programmes and issues contracts to Macedonian, Swiss and international civil society organisations, consultancies and private sector entities. Particular effort is placed on strengthening country systems and building partnerships with new change actors, e.g. through private sector engagement and funding.

Switzerland’s main partners in North Macedonia:

  • Ministries and local governments
  • National and local parliaments, parliamentary administration
  • Civil society organisations, e.g. the media
  • Private sector
  • Local and international NGOs
  • Bilateral and multilateral donors and organisations, e.g. UNDP and UN Women

Current projects

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Increasing Market Employability (IME)

01.09.2024 - 31.12.2026

North Macedonia’s economy is characterised by persistently slow growth rates as a result of low productivity due to outdated practices and scarce labour force due to high emigration. To address this, Switzerland, through its Increasing Market Employability project, supports small and medium-sized enterprises in sustainable agribusiness and tourism to become more competitive and environmentally sustainable by improving their products and services, while creating decent employment. The duration of the project is extended until 31.12.2026.

Electoral Support Programme

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Switzerland has positioned itself as the main international partner in supporting electoral administration for enhanced conduct of presidential, parliamentary, and local elections, including support to political actors in North Macedonia. The program aims to improve conditions and capacities for democratic and credible elections through engaging with party leaders, fostering youth and women political participation, and enhancing civil society role in improving transparency and accountability of political parties and their elected representatives.

NMAC: Culture for Development

07.08.2023 - 30.11.2028

A strong independent cultural sector contributes to safeguarding universal democratic values, strengthens critical thinking and promotes social cohesion and inclusion. However, its potential in North Macedonia remains underutilized due to limited capacities and financial resources. Switzerland will support the independent cultural scene to develop quality production, to become more strategic, to improve their financial basis and predictability, promoting dialogue and democratic participation.

Civil Society Support Facility

01.04.2023 - 31.12.2026

Switzerland renews a multi-year support to strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations in North Macedonia, to improve the inclusiveness of decision-making processes and increase the transparency of state institutions. The final phase (2023-2026) of this project aims to increase citizen support for civil society organizations, to enhance the capabilities of these organizations, and to diversify their funding base. To improve sustainability, the project implementation has been transferred to the national partner organization. 

Promoting Gender Responsive Policies and Budgets

01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026

Switzerland, through a contribution to UN Women for 2023-2026, supports central and local governments of North Macedonia to advance gender equality through gender-responsive legislation and by practicing gendered budgeting processes: citizens, especially women, and civil society organizations will be strengthened to exercise their voice in decision-making through policy dialogue. Oversight institutions will also be capacitated to better monitor the implementation of gender-responsive budgeting processes. 

Strengthening Municipal Resilience to Corruption

15.12.2022 - 31.10.2028

This  intervention  aims  to  reduce  the  space  for  corruption  on  municipal  level  through  support  to  mayors, municipal councils and administration in municipalities willing to engage in anticorruption efforts. The project will help state institutions to create or improve and implement mechanisms, policies and legislation to address high-corruption  risks  priority areas  e.g. procurement, urban planning,  licensing.  It will  target  also  the CSOs (citizens) and the media to raise their awareness and capacities to recognize corruption and know their rights. 

Groundwater Management, Use and Protection Programme (GWP)

20.07.2022 - 31.12.2027

Despite its vital importance for people, economy and environment, groundwater (GW) in North Macedonia is increasingly under pressure from pollution and unsustainable use in a changing climate. With Swiss expertise and support, the GWP will establish the basis for a long-term transformation of the GW management by building stakeholders’ capacities, securing the necessary collaboration mechanism, improving legislative and planning framework. 

Education for Employment

01.07.2022 - 30.06.2026

The project addresses the high youth unemployment rate in North Macedonia (33%), caused by the mismatch of the skills provided by the education system and those required by the economy. The project will support the Ministry of Education and Science and the private sector to strengthen the newly established dual school- and company-based vocational education and training system.

Empowering Municipal Councils

01.04.2022 - 31.03.2027

Municipal Councils have, according to the legislation, a very important role to play in local governance. However, councillors often lack the necessary knowledge to fulfil their responsibilities. Through the project, capacities of councillors will be enhanced, citizen participation in decision making promoted and legal framework adjusted, enabling councillors to fulfil their role and to become more independent from the executive branch.

NMAC: Modernisation project

01.04.2022 - 31.10.2028

The most persistent bottleneck in North Macedonia’s economic development is the low  productivity  of  businesses resulting in their limited capacity to offer decent jobs. Switzerland, through its Modernisation Project  (MP) will  tackle  this  by  supporting  the  development  of  an  ecosystem  for  businesses  to modernize.  Using business  diagnostics  to  identify  productivity  bottlenecks  will  enable  businesses  to  invest  strategically  in modernisation, leading to increased productivity, improved environmental efficiency and decent jobs. 

Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development

01.10.2021 - 30.09.2025

The level of development among the 8 regions in North Macedonia is highly unequal. This misbalance directly affects the wellbeing of citizens living in less developed areas. SDC supports North Macedonia by working on the country system, to improve the national legal framework for planning, monitoring and evaluation of balanced regional development (BRD) ensuring greater allocation of funds for BRD, hence improving the living conditions for all citizens, especially in the underdeveloped regions.

Intelligence and Security Sector Reform

01.04.2021 - 31.03.2026

At the core of this project is to improve the accountability of the state and enhance the division of the executive, legislative and judiciary powers in line with the democratic governance priorities of the Swiss Cooperation Programme in North Macedonia. It focuses on supporting the intelligence and security sector actors to become more transparent and accountable towards parliament, the judiciary and citizens at large, through new and improved existing legal framework, enhanced policy-making and capacity building.

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