Exiting partnership with PNGO: Strengthening Advocacy, Policy and Communications Capacity on nexus

Proyecto terminado

Switzerland aims to exit its partnership with the network of Palestinian NGOs (PNGO) while ensuring consolidation of PNGO’s leading role in service delivery applying nexus approach to strength coherence between humanitarian, development efforts while preserving the viability of the 2-states solution, to effectively reduce people’s needs, risks and vulnerabilities while supporting prevention efforts. The contribution continues to enhance the prospects for Palestinians to live in dignity, prosperity and peace. This support is in line with the Swiss Cooperation Programme Near East 2021 - 2024 by promoting protection of the Palestinian population by all duty-bearers.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Territorio Palestino Ocupado
Derechos humanos
Derechos humanos (incluidos los derechos de las mujeres)
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
CHF  340’000
Contexto Palestinian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and their networks operate in a complex context marked by multiple duty bearers and seek to mitigate the consequences of violations of International Law. Civil society continues to play a key role in advocating for policy change and service delivery - both in the humanitarian and development spheres - to ensure checks and balances and to act as safety guards for the protection of people’s basic rights in the oPt, despite increasing challenges related to social, economic, political and territorial fragmentation as well as shrinking space and dwindling financial support. 
Objetivos To ensure the consolidation of policy and advocacy capacities of PNGO as a driver for change and protection of the Palestinian communities through strengthening PNGO in  applied nexus approach towards improved service provision and public decisions.
Grupos destinarios

-    144 civil society members of PNGO

-    4th level CSO Platforms (Umbrella Networks) including the Palestinian General Union of Charitable Societies (PGUCS) and the Palestinian National Institute of NGOs

-    3rd level CSO Platforms - specialized Networks and unions

-    Palestinian Authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

-    Association of International Development Agencies

-    International donors operating in the oPt

-    UN humanitarian system

Efectos a medio plazo

1.    Capacities of PNGO and its members to operationalize the nexus approach in the oPt are enhanced. They are reflected within their own strategies, as well as in those of INGOs, UN agencies and donors operating in the oPt. The adoption of Palestinian national development priorities are encouraged while promoting principled humanitarian/protection actions, including PSEAH, GBV and localization of aid.

2.    The capacity of PNGO to monitor and to influence the Palestinian duty bearers is enhanced and furthers the implementation of Palestinian national plans and strategies that are compatible with the triple nexus approach and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.


Resultados previstos:  

1.    PNGO to establish a nexus steering committee with different working groups to enhance coordination among its members.

2.    A joint analysis and assessment of vulnerabilities, risks, needs capacities, and resilience in the oPt is conducted and identify drivers of protracted crises, risks and vulnerabilities and their humanitarian/development consequences and conflict drivers (Situation analysis, stakeholder analysis, current sector response).

3.    An implementation plan with measurable indicators for operationalization and monitoring of nexus approach, is adopted by multiple partners based on comparative advantages, to address humanitarian, recovery and resilience needs in the oPt. 

4.    Capacity building activities for its members on nexus approach are conducted to contribute to the implementation of the triple nexus plan.

5.    PNGO to influence the Palestinian authorities’ development and humanitarian policies promoting nexus approach and rights based approach to be reflected in national Palestinian strategies/agenda.

6.    PNGO remains a central and lead network for constructive change processes at national level for human rights issues most relevant to the Palestinian people.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

1.    PNGO released the first of its kind study “The operationalization of Triple Nexus- challenges and opportunities – The case of Palestine” conducting capacity building trainings for its members.

2.    PNGO played a prominent role in the PSEAH Network, facilitating workshops and endorsements of PNGO members on the Standard operating Procedures for the Community-Based Complaint Mechanism (SOPs). PNGO and UNICEF led a mapping of PNGO PSEA capacities to meet global standards and carried out PSEA assessment of 41 PNGO members. 

3.    PNGO continued its efforts throughout the HCT and HF fora towards localization of aid according to World Humanitarian Summit commitments and the Grand Bargain agreement, conducting workshops, advocacy efforts leading to increase of NNGOs projects from 5% in 2020 to 9% in 2021.

4.    PNGO membership in the advisory board of the scoping study on operating conditions of civil society in the oPt to analyze the operating conditions of INGOs, UN agencies and NNGOs and examine impact on local communities receiving humanitarian and development assistance. Study is overviewed by SOAS -University of London.

5.    PNGO succeeded to suspend the Palestinian law by decree issued in February 2021 to amend civil society law that could have harmed CSOs independent role for service delivery and accountability of Palestinian authorities.

6.    PNGO made the PA accountable for a more fair distribution of C19 vaccines throughout the oPt, through statements, briefings and dialogue with the Government. Furthermore, it met with the Palestinian President to address key issues related to national elections, reconciliation, Public Freedoms, Justice for the killing of activist Nizar Banat, Laws by decrees that are weakening the independence of the judiciary and accountability mechanisms for the Palestinian Security Forces.

7.    PNGO succeeded to cancel the decision issued by the Gaza Sharia Judicial Council regarding banning single women to travel without approval.

8.    PNGO advocated successfully for the halt of additional income tax against Palestinian civil society through statements and negotiations with Palestinian  Ministry of Finance.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera

Otras contrapartes
Palestinian NGO Network PNGO
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores

-    OHCHR leadership of Protection Cluster in oPt

-    OCHA Humanitarian Fund

-    Hamleh Mandate for capacity building of human rights NGOs on digital security and advocacy

-    SDC is active in ongoing EU led discussions around Triple Nexus in oPt 

Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    340’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    197’533 Total del proyecto desde la primera fase Presupuesto suizo CHF   1’417’550
Fases del proyecto

Fase 3 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)