Hemayah: Protecting and Empowering Marginalized Communities

Egypt is a destination country for migrants and forcibly displaced persons facing challenging humanitarian conditions and limited prospects for integration. Switzerland will contribute to the “Hemayah/Protection” project implemented by Terre des Hommes to improve survival, protection, self-reliance, and wellbeing of migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities. The project will provide comprehensive services and opportunities for skills development and socioeconomic integration through a sustainable community based approach.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Migración en general (aspectos de desarrollo y partenariados)
Salud mental y bienestar
01.12.2022 - 30.11.2025
CHF  2’353’000
  • By mid 2022, UNHCR reported 287,965 registered refugees from 57 countries, most of which live in Greater Cairo. 37% are children. The International Organization for Migration reports on 9 million migrants. 
  • Migrants and forcibly displaced persons face a range of protection threats, unstable and difficult living conditions in Egypt, that are exacerbated by the economic impacts of COVID 19 and Ukraine War. Unaffordable increases in living costs, social tensions within communities, general violence and xenophobia, inadequate finances, education, health, safety and social protection exacerbate the protection risks. 
  • The most vulnerable are persons living with physical disabilities, health and mental health issues, newly arrived and others with special needs including survivors of gender based violence, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, single mothers, non Arabic speakers, unskilled, and unemployed youth and adults. 
  • Migrants and forcibly displaced persons are unable to benefit from social protection schemes and have very limited access to public services. The UN and NGOs support is also limited due to shrinking resources.
Objetivos To improve survival, protection, self-reliance, and wellbeing of 20,000 migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities through the provision of comprehensive tailored services and opportunities for self-development.
Grupos destinarios

The project aims to directly benefit 20,000 of targeted population (60% females). The project will indirectly benefit 60,000 beneficiaries.

The targeted groups include:

  • Marginalized adults, and children with serious protection issues (Homeless, Women and Girls at risk, Children at risk, Gender Based Violence (GBV) survivors, single parents and members of the minorities at risk
  • Adults and children with disabilities and Caregivers of people with special needs
  • Adults and children facing health emergencies
  • Elderly without adequate support
  • Adults and children with Mental Health needs and Substance abusers and addicts
  • Migrants, forcibly displaced, and Egyptian youth from vulnerable communities
Efectos a medio plazo

Outcome 1: Protection of migrants and forcibly displaced persons, from marginalized communities is enhanced, through the provision of specialized, tailored psychosocial, specialized mental health, medical, and protective & safe shelter services to improve their survival and wellbeing.

Outcome 2: Migrants and forcibly displaced persons and host communities, especially persons with physical, mental disabilities, and marginalized youth, are empowered.


Resultados previstos:  

Output 1.1: 55 Refugee Psychosocial Workers receive capacity building and supported with high-quality skills to enhance quality of services delivered.

Output 1.2: 3,825 Marginalized children and adults from migrants and forcibly displaced communities with mental health issues provided with mental health care by multidisciplinary team of trained refugees and Egyptian professionals.

Output 1.3: 630 Migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities, targeting elderly, minorities, and undocumented migrants, with unmet medical needs and unable to access medical services assisted to receive medical care.

Output 1.4: 8,499 Migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities experiencing emotional distress, protection issues and isolation, access tailored-comprehensive psychosocial support services.

Output 1.5: 3,530 Migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities supported 24-7 to access protective and safe shelter.

Output 2.1: 1,620 Migrants and forcibly displaced persons with physical and mental disabilities and limited capacity for self-reliance, are provided with skills and resources to enhance their self-reliance.

Output 2.2: 1,200 Marginalized youth from migrants and forcibly displaced groups and host community, lacking necessary skills for employability, are provided with digital skills and career guidance.

Output 2.3: 1,200 Marginalized youth from migrants and forcibly displaced groups and host community build their agency and leadership skills through leading community-based initiatives. 

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

From 2015 to 2021, SDC (MENA-H) funded the humanitarian protection program activities of Terre des Hommes (PSTIC Provision of protection and humanitarian assistance to vulnerable migrants in Greater Cairo) through yearly contributions. Insights from the 2021 external evaluation include:

  • Recommendation to integrate the activities-based approach into a broader programmatic approach linking essential protection activities to development objectives. 
  • Confirmation that PSTIC project interventions were highly relevant and aligned with the needs of the migrants and forcibly displaced person, particularly the emergency response, protective housing support, mental health and accessibility to public health care services. 
  • The PSTIC project overachieved all targets and intended effects in a cost-effective manner and proved to be very effective in protection marginalized refugees with a focus on women, girls and children. The different activities provided high quality services through an adaptive sensitive approach to the context changes and needs of targeted populations. 
  • The community based approach and strong partnership with Ministry of Health, led to positive unintended effects of sustainability and promoted social cohesion. 

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
Organización suiza sin fines de lucro
  • Terre des Hommes Lausanne

Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores


  • East African Migration Routes (Save the Children)
  • Comprehensive Protection for Refugees & Community Based Organizations Strengthening (Saint Andrew Refugee Services)
  • Youth for Future (UNICEF)
  • Gender Project (UNFPA)
  • Remote Coders

National Actors:

  • Ministry of Health (MoH)
  • Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS)


Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    2’353’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    1’602’807
Fases del proyecto Fase 1 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2025   (Fase en curso)