Opportunities For Youth Employment

Project completed
Babati, Tanzania © SNV

SDC contributes to the existing project Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) implemented by SNV since September 2013, for its upscaling in Tanzania. OYE aims to improve the livelihoods of young women and men by developing and expanding their set of skills and by matching them with existing rural job markets and opportunities for self-employment in agri-business, renewable energy, sanitation and hygiene in 5 regions of the Central Corridor (CC). Co-funding donor of OYE besides SDC is the MasterCard Foundation.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Agriculture & food security
Business support & economic inclusion
Employment creation
Vocational training
Agriculture value-chain development (til 2016)
Basic life skills
01.07.2015 - 31.12.2019
CHF  6’255’000

Every year in Tanzania 800’000 to 1’000’000 low-skilled young women and men enter a job market that can only absorb a small portion of them. Unemployment is rampant and fuels dissatisfaction and unrest. A majority finds either vulnerable employment or is underemployed. The government has pledged support to youth through many different policy instruments but in general the implementation of those policies is, at best, inefficient.


The overall goal of the project is to improve the livelihoods of 18’000 young women and men in Tanzania by creating youth employment opportunities in agri-business, renewable energy, sanitation and hygiene and to improve vocational skills delivery and access to employment. SDC contribution will target 6’550 youths in five regions of the Central Corridor.

Target groups
  • Young women and men aged 18-30
  • Youth’s households
  • Training and Vocational Education institutes (TVETs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Medium-term outcomes
  • Young women and men have accessed (self-) employment.
  • Youth-led business enterprises are established and generate income.

Expected results:  

  • 18’000 young women and men (6’500 of which through SDC contribution in the Central Corridor) with basic training in technical, life and business skills improved by means of trainings (total enrolled);
  • 15’500 skilled young women and men (5’400 of which through SDC contribution in the Central Corridor)  matched with market opportunities;
  • 400 young women and men (130 of which through SDC contribution in the Central Corridor) prepared for setting up new enterprises.

Results from previous phases:  

This is the first phase. A risk assessment positively assessed SNV’s capacity of absorbing new funds and also its capacity to deliver results.  Before the start of the Entry Phase a study “Assessment of vision of opportunities and bottlenecks for youth in rural Tanzania” provided comprehensive oversight of youth employment activities in Tanzania for SDC’s selection.

In its first two years of implementation OYE has enrolled 4’541 young people; 1’886 of them already found employment. 166 new youth-led enterprises have also been created.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • SNV

Other partners

MasterCard Foundation (MCF)

Coordination with other projects and actors

Main synergies are with other projects implemented by SNV, namely:

  • ”Commercialization of Milk Marketing in Tanga region” funded by DfID.
  • Tanzania Domestic Biogas Program
  • Results Based Financing: Rural Market Development of Pico-Pv Solar (EnDev-RBF)
  • Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A)
  • The multi-donor trust fund Agriculture Market Development Trust (AMDT)
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    6’255’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    6’303’133
Project phases Phase 2 01.03.2020 - 31.05.2024   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.07.2015 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)