Department of Culture and Education

The Consulate General facilitates and promotes exchanges and cooperation in all areas of the arts and culture. It does so by leveraging its network and partnerships with cultural and educational institutions as well as by promoting cultural events and projects through its newsletter and social media channels.

Switzerland is one of the leading centers of architecture, design and visual arts. Our cultural output is diverse, innovative and of high quality. Many artists and makers from Switzerland left a creative and lasting mark in New York at some point in their artistic careers; others have contributed to the thriving arts scene here for many years and continue to do so today.

Arts and culture are essential vehicles to foster mutual understanding among communities and nations. The Consulate General is committed to strengthening cooperation of Swiss artists and Swiss cultural institutions with their counterparts in New York and other cultural centers within its consular district (States of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Ohio, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).

Educational Resources About Switzerland

Students, professors and anyone interested in Switzerland can order the following items free of charge by contacting us via email:

  • Booklet "Switzerland in Brief"
  • Geographical map
  • Infographics Postcard Set
  • Coloring Book
  • We do not provide Swiss flags

For more comprehensive information on Switzerland visit:

Learn about Swiss scholarship opportunities for students, projects, scholars, artists and others by studying this summary (PDF, 3 Pages, 167.6 kB, English).

Contact the Department of Culture and Education

Elena Bänninger
Head of the Department

Nathalie Zwimpfer
Project Manager

Teniola Philipps
Project Manager
