Non Assistance – 1905 Human Rights Film Festival

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Wednesday, 23.05.2018 – Wednesday, 23.05.2018


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The 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival (HRFF)  aims to raise awareness about human rights violations through film screenings and discussions with filmmakers and activists. What is the significance of the festival’s name? In 1905, China produced its first film, "The Battle of Dingjunshan." In that same year, the Qing Emperor sent five ministers abroad to study constitutionalism, the first step towards establishing constitutionalism in China. 1905 was a significant turning point for the recognition of human rights in China, hence the name of the festival is the 1905 Human Rights Film Festival.

The HRFF organization sees film as a powerful tool to vividly bring human rights violations to the forefront of the dialogue, as well as capturing the hearts and minds of the audience. This year, the festival will show a mix of feature films, documentaries, and short films to attract a general audience as well as specialists.  

Non Assistance 

Switzerland | 2016 | 52’ | Documentary 
Director: Frédéric Choffat
Themes: Migratory Fluxes, Post-War refugees

Since 2011, thousands of migrants fleeing wars are trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. While governments are criminalizing migratory fluxes more and more, some women and men are getting organized. Some are chartering boats to save the shipwrecked, while others are hosting them on land or filing criminal complaints against States for having failed to provide assistance to people in danger.

Tickets free of charge, please register here.

For more information please visit the HRFF website. 

Location: Goethe-Institut Hong Kong, 14/F, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong