Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF)
The Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF) is a UNDP managed trust fund for Darfur since 2007. It supports peacebuilding activities and fosters social cohesion in conflict affected communities. It synergizes the undertakings with other multilateral humanitarian funding tools and operations of other partners. DCPSF paves the way to recovery and furthermore to development. It accelerates transition from relief to recovery and stability. In the present phase it will enhance its focus on women and youth and links with institutional law institutions.
Paese/Regione | Tema | Periodo | Budget |
Sudan |
Conflitto & fragilitá Assistenza umanitaria & RRC
Prevenzione dei conflitti
Protezione, accesso & sicurezza |
- 31.12.2019 |
CHF 1’160’000
- Communities affected by conflict in Darfur. Gender issues will be activiely pursued by the DCPSF to empower women; the project also enhnces its focus on youth
- In 2017 over 84'000 persons have directely benefitted from the project; more than 940'000 indirectly.
- Community-based conflict resolution and reconciliation mechanisms are in use and working effectively to resolve conflict
- Peace dividends for community interdependence and co-existence delivered
- Women's organisations, including those representing pastoralist women, empowered to meaningfully participate in local and State-level peacebuilding platforms
- Improved networking, coordination, and learning between local and state level peace building institutions.
- By end of 2019 332 community based conflict mechanisms are put in place
- 148 initiatives provide livelihood opportunities
- 174 social service infrastructures are established, e.g class rooms, clinics, etc.
- 30 migration routes are demarcated and 24 areas of communal pasture/land are agreed on
- 85% of almost 2000 conflicts were solved (in 2017)
- 75% of community members stated that trust and confidence had increased (in 2017)
- 82% of community members stated that community conflicts have decreased due to DCPSF conflict resolution mechanisms (in 2017)
- 66% of community members stated that economic interventions among communities have increased (in 2017)
- Programma di sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite
- The DCPSF Steering Committee provides the strategic guidance. It is co-chaired by the UN RC/HC. The Steering Committee includes contributing donors, representatives of Participating UN agencies and an appointed INGO representative.
- DCPSF partners closely works with local authorities and traditional leaders
Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE GOVERNO E SOCIETÀ CIVILE
Sotto-Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE Dispositivi civili di costruzione della pace, prevenzione e risoluzione dei conflitti
Assistenza materiale e servizi d'emergenza
Temi trasversali Diminuizone dei conflitti
Tipo di aiuto Fondi comuni o combinati da donatori multipli
Numero del progetto 7F09049
Contesto | 13 years of conflict in Darfur have had severe and lasting consequences on local communities. Civilians have been subjected to widespread violence. The deterioration of confidence in governance and rule of law are further compounded by the destruction of infrastructure and livelihoods, and the near absence of basic social services. |
Obiettivi | In 2021 , security and stabilization of communities affected by conflict are improved through utilization of effective conflict management mechanisms, peace dividends and support to peace infrastructures and durable solutions that augment peaceful coexistence and social cohesion. |
Gruppi target |
Effetti a medio termine |
Risultati |
Risultati principali attesi: Risultati fasi precedenti: |
Direzione/Ufficio responsabile |
Credito |
Aiuto umanitario |
Partner del progetto |
Partner contrattuale Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) |
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori |
Budget | Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF 1’160’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF 1’160’000 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget Svizzera CHF 1’500’000 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF 2’660’000 |
Fasi del progetto |
Fase 3 01.11.2018 - 31.12.2019 (Completed) Fase 2 01.08.2016 - 31.12.2017 (Completed) Fase 1 01.04.2014 - 31.12.2015 (Completed) |