All three projects were successfully completed by June 2017. The initial objectives have been achieved.
Results in Cyprus
An overview of the results:

Meeting centre to promote cultural exchange
An abandoned house in the UN buffer zone in Cyprus was acquired, completely renovated and transformed into a meeting and cultural centre. Since it was opened in May 2011, this centre has been a forum for dialogue between the different communities. The centre thus makes an important contribution to reconciliation and peacebuilding in Cyprus.
Project description (PDF, 2 Pages, 303.1 kB, English)

Modernising vocational education and training
Two training workshops in Limassol and Nicosia and newly developed teaching methods and continuing vocational training courses have made vocational training in technical and craft occupations more practice-oriented.

New domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plant
A newly built treatment plant processes septic tank sludge from rural households and industrial wastewater from a nearby town in the region of Limassol. The new plant has also made it possible to drain and close off several ponds that were leaking sewage sludge. This has improved the water quality of a reservoir located below the ponds which feeds into the water supply of the city of Limassol and surrounding areas.