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Switzerland and Cyprus sign Implementation Agreement for second Swiss contribution

Schweizer Beitrag
The Swiss Ambassador in Nicosia and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus signed an Implementation Agreement for Switzerland’s cohesion support under the second Swiss contribution to selected EU member States. Switzerland will co-finance three projects to prevent domestic violence, to provide comprehensive care for people living with rare diseases and to support the Committee on Missing Persons.
Migration Framework Credit: Federal Councillor Keller-Sutter signs implementation agreement with Cyprus

Press releases
Bern, 31.10.2022 - Switzerland will support Cyprus with specific projects and programmes related to migration from 2023 to 2026. Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and the Cypriot Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris signed an agreement to this effect in Bern on 31 October. The two countries are deepening their cooperation through the Migration Framework Credit, which is part of Switzerland's second contribution to selected EU member states. The framework credit provides targeted support to EU countries that are subject to serious migratory pressure. Cyprus will receive CHF 10 million.
Migration Framework Credit: Federal Councillor Keller-Sutter signs implementation agreement with Cyprus
Press releases
Switzerland will support Cyprus with specific projects and programmes related to migration from 2023 to 2026. Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and the Cypriot Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris signed an agreement to this effect in Bern on 31 October. The two countries are deepening their cooperation through the Migration Framework Credit, which is part of Switzerland's second contribution to selected EU member states. The framework credit provides targeted support to EU countries that are subject to serious migratory pressure. Cyprus will receive CHF 10 million.
Second Swiss contribution: Federal Council approves implementation agreements between Switzerland and eight EU states

Press releases
The Federal Council approved the bilateral implementation agreements for the Swiss contribution to cohesion in Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Romania and Poland on 31 August 2022. The agreements provide the basis for Switzerland's cooperation programmes in those areas where its support will add value. Now that the agreements have been approved, Switzerland can move into the operational stage.
Refund of Swiss VAT to foreign companies domiciled in the Republic of Cyprus
Local news
The Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has announced that companies with a place of domicile, place of business or permanent establishment in the Republic of Cyprus, which have been charged Swiss VAT, can now obtain a refund of the VAT paid, subject to certain conditions.
Launch of the Cyprus Swiss Business Circle, 4 April 2022

Local news
The Cyprus Swiss Business Circle was launched on 4 April 2022 in Nicosia, in the presence of H.E. Ms Natasa Pilides, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, who delivered the keynote speech in front of about 120 guests. Furthermore, a video message from the Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs, H.E. Ms Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch was also presented.
President of the Swiss Confederation Guy Parmelin: National Day 2021 greetings for the Swiss abroad
Local news
Swiss National Day greetings for the Swiss abroad 2021
No signing of Swiss–EU institutional agreement
Press releases
At its meeting on 26 May, the Federal Council undertook an overall evaluation of the outcome of the negotiations on the institutional framework agreement (InstA). It concluded that there remain substantial differences between Switzerland and the EU on key aspects of the agreement. The conditions are thus not met for the signing of the agreement. The Federal Council today took the decision not to sign the agreement, and communicated this decision to the EU. This brings the negotiations on the draft of the InstA to a close. The Federal Council nevertheless considers it to be in the shared interest of Switzerland and the EU to safeguard their well-established cooperation and to systematically maintain the agreements already in force. It therefore wishes to launch a political dialogue with the EU on continued cooperation. Meanwhile, it has tasked the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) to consider how autonomous amendments to Swiss legislation might contribute to the stabilisation of Swiss–EU relations.
President of the Swiss Confederation Simonetta Sommaruga: National Day 2020 greetings for the Swiss abroad
National Day 2020 greetings for the Swiss abroad
Cyprus and Switzerland sign protocol of amendment to their double taxation agreement
Press releases
On 20 July 2020, Cyprus and Switzerland signed a protocol amending their agreement for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and capital (DTA). The document was signed in Nicosia by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Constantinos Petrides and by the Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Pierre-Yves Fux.
Address by the Ambassador of Switzerland, Dr Pierre-Yves Fux, National Day celebration, Nicosia, 1 August 2019
President of the Swiss Confederation Ueli Maurer: National Day 2019 greetings for the Swiss abroad