Coronavirus - COVID-19

Since March 2020, the Swiss Mission has informed the permanent missions and international organisations of the decisions taken by the Swiss authorities to limit the spread of the coronavirus and protect the population, which had an impact on their operations and the daily lives of their staff.
The Swiss Federal Council has lifted the last measures that were in place on 1 April 2022. With this return to a normal situation, the Swiss cantons once again assume primary responsibility for measures to protect the population as provided for by the Epidemics Act. The cantonal measures that are in force are listed in a summary table (XLSX, 22.3 kB) (status as at 07.06.2022).
As of 2 May 2022, all remaining requirements for entering Switzerland currently in place are lifted and entry into Switzerland is again possible under the standard conditions (see the information note for persons called in an official capacity by permanent missions and international organisations).
An information note on the Swiss Covid certificate is still available.
For any additional or specific questions, permanent missions and international organisations are invited to write to the e-mail address dedicated to coronavirus: missionsuissecovid19@eda.admin.ch
Coronavirus infolines:
Federal Office of Public Health - FOPH
- Coronavirus (main page)
- Covid19/admin.ch (situation in Switzerland)
Federal legal basis: