Legal and Protocol Affairs Section

The Mission's Section of Legal and Protocol Affairs is responsible for applying the system of diplomatic benefits to the permanent representations and to the international organisations. Its Residence and Status Service issues FDFA legitimation cards.

The Section of Legal and Protocol Affairs administers the special legal status granted to permanent missions in Geneva, as well as to Swiss-based international organisations which have concluded an agreement on privileges and immunities with the Federal Council.

The Section manages the application of the system of privileges and immunities, as well as other benefits, granted to the permanent missions, international organisations and their members under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and bilateral agreements with the organisations themselves. For example, it handles issues relating to the status of entities and their members, social legislation, labour law, labour disputes, requests for waiwing of immunity, tax law, and employment conditions for the private household staff members of the international community, as well as the opening of new permanent missions and international organisations.

With its Residence and Status Service, the Section is also responsible for issuing FDFA legitimation cards to, and withdrawing them from, members of permanent missions and international organisations with an agreement, as well as their family members and private household employees, and to grant them a status. The legitimation card issued by the FDFA serves as a residence permit for Switzerland, confirms any privileges and immunities to which the holder is entitled and exempts the beneficiary from the visa obligation for the duration of his or her official duties. The Residence and Status Service operates in the same way as a cantonal residents' registration office.

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