Federal Council to remove EU from stock exchange protection list as of 1 May 2025
29.01.2025 Press releases
For information related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) kindly consult the information and directives of the local authorities and the recommendations of the World Health Organisation WHO.
Link to local Ministry (Belgium)
Link to local Ministry (Luxemburg)
Link to local Ministry (Netherlands)
On state level, the Federal Office of Public Health of Switzerland (FHPO) informs in regards to the Novel Coronavirus and publishes travel advice accordingly.
The Travel Advice FDFA (in German, French and Italian) offers travelers basic information for travel preparation by informing on possible risks and certain precautions. They are to be considered as a complementary source of information.
For urgent requests, kindly contact the FDFA Helpline (Tel. +41 800 24-7-365 / +41 58 465 33 33) or contact the Embassy in the Netherlands / The Hague directly (Tel. +31 70 364 28 31).
For further information on the current situation in Belgium, kindly refer to the Swiss Embassy's website: Swiss Embassy to Belgium
No signing of Swiss–EU institutional agreement
At its meeting on 26 May, the Federal Council undertook an overall evaluation of the outcome of the negotiations on the institutional framework agreement (InstA).
#SwissEUrelations – a first rank partnership https://youtu.be/VenuUDQayUs