Customs clearance for parcels sent by Swiss Post and express courier

Customs clearance procedures for parcels sent by Swiss Post or express courier applicable to the permanent missions and international organisations (including staff)

Swiss customs legislation was completely revised in 2007. This led to a general reorganisation of the postal services resulting in the closure of various postal customs offices including two in Geneva (Montbrillant and Geneva Airport).

As of 1 January 2016 customs clearance for parcels sent by Swiss post and other fast shipping companies (DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT,…) is as follows:

Parcels for the permanent missions and international organisations based in Switzerland including staff members with diplomatic status are delivered free of customs duties (exemption from charges) to the recipient's address by Swiss Post or any other authorised service under the following conditions: 

1. Parcels with a value of less than CHF 1,000 which do not contain alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or restricted or prohibited goods are delivered duty-free without any further proceedings directly to the recipient's address. To do this, it is essential that the following information be included in the recipient's address and in the accompanying documents:

    a.  first and last name as it appears on the person's legitimation 
    b.  marked 'diplomatic status'
    c.  full name of the permanent mission or international 
         organisation that the recipient works for

2. Parcels with a value of more than CHF 1,000 are delivered duty-free on presentation of an application for duty-free clearance using the 14.60 form duly signed by the recipient and endorsed by the organisation o the permanent mission. Swiss Post or the authorised service notifies the recipient of the arrival of a parcel and sends them the 14.60 form. Once the form has been completed and returned to the service provider, the parcel is delivered duty-free to the recipient.

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG  
Good Offices and Security Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11, P.O. Box 194
CH - 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24