
Ordina i risultati per

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 21

Talent Acceleration Program to Scale (TAP-2-Scale)

15.03.2024 - 31.08.2026

With this single-phase intervention, Switzerland aims to foster economic perspectives for Palestinian youth. The intervention will focus on creating long-term job placements of Palestinian graduates in international IT companies (including Switzerland), and it shall be achieved through upskilling programs tailored to private sector needs. The intervention is implemented in partnership with the Palestinian-Dutch start-up company TAP under the modality of payment for results.

Contribution to the humanitarian Access Support Unit (ASU) in the occupied Palestinian territory

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Coordinated access is key for the humanitarian response to the Gaza strip and the West Bank. Switzerland supports the work of the Access Support Unit (ASU) – the UN body that facilities humanitarian access for people and goods in dialogue with relevant authorities in a critical moment. The Swiss contribution is part of the international burden sharing. It supports the timely and safe delivery of humanitarian and development assistance and is to direct benefit of Switzerland’s activities in the oPt.

Contribution to IFRC’s Emergency Appeal Middle East Crisis, PRCS’s Emergency Appeal for the oPt and to MDA’s response in Israel

01.11.2023 - 31.12.2024

A renewed spike of violence and escalation of hostilities are currently affecting Israel and oPt during Q4 of 2023, with possible further regional implications yet to be determined. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation. Together with Red Cross and Red Crescent member National Societies, it plays a major role in responding to humanitarian needs, including in the Near and Middle East. Switzerland intends to contribute to the IFRC’s Middle East Crisis Emergency Appeal for a regional humanitarian response, as well as to PRCS’s oPt emergency appeal and to MDA’s response in Israel. 

Support to Municipal Development Programme (MDP4)

01.07.2023 - 31.12.2028

Through its contribution to the Municipal Development Programme (MDP), Switzerland aims to improve the quality and accessibility of local services and infrastructure provided by Palestinian municipalities to their citizens in the oPt. The programme builds the capacities for stable, transparent and accountable local institutions in the West Bank and Gaza. Supported by key donors of the sector, the programme promotes and supports reforms and provides a prominent platform for sector policy dialogue with the Palestinian Ministry of Local Governance. 

Gaza Economic Resilience Program

01.04.2023 - 31.12.2026

Switzerland contributes to foster the resilience of the private sector in the Gaza Strip. This UNDP implemented multi-donor intervention aims to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in sectors with potential to substitute low quality imports (food, garment, plastic, furniture) through investment support, upskilling of labor, and improved cooperation between business associations and local authorities. A more resilient private sector will generate jobs for youth and reduce the aid dependency in the Gaza Strip.

Exiting partnership with PNGO: Strengthening Advocacy, Policy and Communications Capacity on nexus

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

Switzerland aims to exit its partnership with the network of Palestinian NGOs (PNGO) while ensuring consolidation of PNGO’s leading role in service delivery applying nexus approach to strength coherence between humanitarian, development efforts while preserving the viability of the 2-states solution, to effectively reduce people’s needs, risks and vulnerabilities while supporting prevention efforts. The contribution continues to enhance the prospects for Palestinians to live in dignity, prosperity and peace. This support is in line with the Swiss Cooperation Programme Near East 2021 - 2024 by promoting protection of the Palestinian population by all duty-bearers.

Program Contribution for Fondation Terre des hommes 2023-2024

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

The program of the Terre des hommes Foundation (TdhF) aims to sustainably reduce child mortality and morbidity and to secure access to health, sanitation and clean water for mothers and children (0-18 years) in severe poverty. Children in contexts of migration, conflict and disasters, and child victims of violence are better protected. International standards in child-friendly justice are promoted. Humanitarian interventions in fragile contexts, combined with poverty reduction and sustainable development are promoted through innovative work with children and youths.

Contribution to UNRWA's Programme Budget 2023-2024

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

UNRWA is one of Switzerland’s key multilateral partners in the Middle East, due to its important contributions towards stability and peace in the region and its role in providing services and humanitarian assistance to people in need. Under its Programme Budget, UNRWA ensures universal access to quality primary health care and to basic education to 5.8 million registered Palestine refugees. It also provides targeted relief and social services to vulnerable refugees.

Programme Contribution to the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027

ICHR, is dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in Palestinian controlled territories. It focuses on strengthening the legislative, institutional and legal environment and on monitoring, investigating and handling complaints on human rights put forward by Palestinian citizens. It further aims at promoting accountability measures and consolidating human rights culture. Switzerland’s support to ICHR contributes to the democratic state building agenda, to peace building and dialogue towards intra-Palestinian reconciliation, promotion of rule of law and sustainable development, therefore contributing to stability in the region. 

Resilient culture & art for social change

01.12.2022 - 31.12.2026

Culture and arts play a key role to promote Palestinian identities, dialogue and freedom of expression. Switzerland contributes with this proposal to a diverse, innovative and more resilient cultural sector able to foster democratic values and voice the needs and aspirations of the civil society. The programme employs art as entry point for social dialogue and builds the entrepreneurial capacities of emerging artists.

Multi-donor Agri-business Programme MAP: Promoting Market-oriented Investments and Innovations for Sustainable Agrifood System Development

01.12.2022 - 31.12.2026

The agri-food sector remains key to build a resilient economy and safeguard Palestinians’ access to land and natural resources. Switzerland contributes to this multi-donor program with the aim to improve income and productivity in the agricultural sector. This is done through investment support for small and middle sized Palestinian agri-businesses and through upgrading of 3 regional wholesale markets. This 2. Phase will put emphasis on climate-smart innovation, enhance sector policy dialogue and promote women-led businesses.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 21