Wochen der deutschen Sprache / Weeks of the German Language

Sunday, 23.10.2022 – Monday, 28.11.2022

Wochen der deutschen Sprache banner
Weeks of the German Language banner © WddS

The Embassy of Switzerland together with the Embassies of Austria, Germany and the Goethe-Institut Cyprus are launching the 6th edition of the Weeks of the German Language on 23 October with the traditional open-air festival and it will be rounded up with a public screening of Switzerland playing against Brazil at the World Cup on 28 November 2022!


Sunday, 23 October 2022, 10h - 14h at Faneromeni Square, old Nicosia

The traditional open-air street festival opens the Weeks of the German Language. A fun day is in store with an array of activities for all ages, music and weather permitting, one of Switzerland’s oldest national sports, flag throwing!  Everyone is welcome!

Monday, 31 October 2022, 20:30h, Pantheon Theatre, Nicosia                          Saturday, 5 November 2022, 20h, Rialto Theatre, Limassol 

We are screening the uplifting comedy "Eden für Jeden" (Eden for All, 2020) directed by Rolf Lyssy 

Saturday, 26 November, 20h, Rialto Theatre, Limassol

The Embassies of Austria, Germany and Switzerland present a musical performance dedicated to the "Magical World of Lieder" 

Monday, 28 November, 17:30h, Biergarten, Nicosia

The Cyprus Swiss Association is hosting a public live viewing of the World Cup match "Brazil vs Switzerland" with Sausages & Bretzel! 


Full programme details will be posted on the Weeks of the German Language  Website, as well as on its Facebook page.