Music Theater of Christoph Marthaler

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Saturday, 26.03.2016 – Sunday, 27.03.2016


Music Theater of Christoph Marthaler
Theatre play Foto: Walter Mair 2014

Writer: Christoph Marthaler

"Tessa Blomstedt gibt nicht auf" (Tessa Blomstedt will not surrender)

In German with Korean and English subtitle

In this collaboration with Volksbuehne Berlin, world-famous Swiss director Christoph Marthaler, who is renknowned for his delicate irony and his sense of discrepancy, shows us the desires, dreams and wishes of all of us, the ordinary people

Tessa Blomstedt is a woman of all different ages and as we all are, Tessa Blomstedt is looking for true love, even though we know true love is impossible. The show shifts between dramatic tragedy and, between classical music and cheesy pop, between the longing for a real emotion and the consumerism of kitschy feelings, between outstanding acting and exaggerated slapstick. Christoph Marthaler shows life how it is: tiring, disappointing, devastating, yet sometimes there’s a little hope for something else. His anti-heroes are bourgeois, reactionary, egoistic, coward, but nevertheless: extremely lovable.

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Location: Asian Arts Center Theater 1