Bilateral relations Switzerland–Philippines

Switzerland and the Philippines have good, long-standing relations built on strong political dialogue, dynamic trade relations, and humanitarian aid missions in response to natural disasters.

Key aspects of diplomatic relations

Switzerland and the Philippines established diplomatic relations in 1957 and have engaged in regular political dialogue since 2001. Switzerland supports the Bangsamoro peace process as part of its work to achieve peace and stability.

As well as engaging in bilateral cooperation, Switzerland and the Philippines have also strengthened their relations through their involvement in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Switzerland has been working closely with ASEAN as a sectoral dialogue partner since 2016. The Philippines is one of ASEAN's five founding states, having joined the organisation in 1967.

The Swiss Embassy in Manila is also responsible for Switzerland's relations with the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and the Republic of Palau.

The Philippine Embassy in Switzerland is located in Bern.

Treaty database

Government of the Philippines

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Economic cooperation

Although trade relations are still relatively modest, the Philippines is an increasingly important trading partner for Switzerland in Southeast Asia. Switzerland mainly exports pharmaceuticals, machinery and watches to the Philippines and imports precious stones, machinery and textiles.

Some 60 Swiss companies have created 13,000 jobs in the Philippines.

The Philippines and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), of which Switzerland is a member, entered into a free trade agreement in June 2018.

A joint economic commission was established in June 2013 to strengthen trade between the two countries. The commission meets approximately every two years.

Trade promotion  (Switzerland Global Enterprise)

 Information by country, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

Free trade agreement EFTA-Philippines, SECO

Cooperation in education, research and innovation

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is responsible for implementing Switzerland's international strategy on education, research and innovation.

Researchers who are citizens of the Philippines are eligible to apply for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships. A trainee exchange agreement is also in place, enabling young people from the Philippines to spend a limited period of time in Switzerland for the purpose of improving their professional and language skills.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists, SERI

Switzerland´s International Strategy on Education, Research and Innovation, SERI

Young professionals (trainees), State Secretariat for Migration SEM

Peacebuilding and human security

Switzerland supports a number of projects in the Philippines, notably with regard to human rights and the Bangsamoro peace process. It has also facilitated the restitution of assets from the Marcos estate to the Philippines.

Mô Bleeker, Switzerland's special envoy for dealing with the past, chaired the Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) between 2014 and 2016. In this context, Switzerland commissioned the Independent Study on the Status of the Implementation of the 2016 Recommendations of the TJRC. The study was published in October 2024 and can be downloaded here:

Independent Study on the Status of the Implementation of the 2016 Recommendations of the TJRC (PDF, 54 Pages, 1.7 MB, English)

Development cooperation and humanitarian aid

Switzerland, through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), has provided humanitarian aid in response to a number of natural disasters.

Two regional disaster risk reduction and management specialists have been based in Bangkok since 2013. They are there to support SDC projects in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region and launch rapid responses to natural disasters. The two specialists are also helping ASEAN to step up its disaster risk management and rapid response capabilities.

Other development cooperation projects are carried out on an ad hoc basis. 

Swiss nationals in the Philippines

In 2020, 3,460 Swiss citizens were living in the Philippines.

History of bilateral relations

From the middle of the 19th century, significant trade relations developed between Switzerland and the Philippines, which was then a Spanish colony. Switzerland's first consulate in Asia was opened in Manila in 1862 on the initiative of Peter Jenny, an entrepreneur from the canton of Glarus and a member of the National Council.

Switzerland officially recognised the Republic of the Philippines on 4 July 1946. Diplomatic relations were established in 1957.

After the fall of President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, the Federal Council froze the assets held in Swiss banks by the Marcos family. The assets were returned to the Philippine authorities in 2004 upon the conclusion of the legal proceedings.

Philippines, Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (de, fr, it)

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland, Dodis