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Knowledge Transfer and Collaboration: Croatian Water Experts Visit Switzerland

31.10.2024 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
At the end of October 2024, SECO organized a study visit for Croatian water experts to explore Swiss approaches to drinking water and wastewater management. Visits to the wastewater treatment plants in Schwyz and Gossau-Grüningen, as well as the drinking water supplier tb Glarus, provided an impressive showcase of energy-efficient water management practices. 

Closing Conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme in Zagreb

23.10.2023 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
On 19 October, the closing conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme (CSRP), organised by the Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ, took place in Zagreb. The CSRP initiative aims to promote scientific cooperation between Switzerland and Croatia and is in implementation from 2017 until the end of 2023.

Cooperation with Croatia enters second round

18.10.2022 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
On 18 October 2022, Swiss Ambassador Urs Hammer and the Croatian Minister for Regional Development and EU Funds, Nataša Tramišak, signed the implementation agreement for their cooperation programme in the presence of Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman. The cooperation with Croatia can thus continue seamlessly within the framework of the second Swiss contribution. The signing marked the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Croatia.

Second Swiss contribution: Federal Council approves implementation agreements between Switzerland and eight EU states

31.08.2022 — Press releases EDA
The Federal Council approved the bilateral implementation agreements for the Swiss contribution to cohesion in Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Romania and Poland on 31 August 2022. The agreements provide the basis for Switzerland's cooperation programmes in those areas where its support will add value. Now that the agreements have been approved, Switzerland can move into the operational stage.

No signing of Swiss–EU institutional agreement

26.05.2021 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 26 May, the Federal Council undertook an overall evaluation of the outcome of the negotiations on the institutional framework agreement (InstA). It concluded that there remain substantial differences between Switzerland and the EU on key aspects of the agreement. The conditions are thus not met for the signing of the agreement. The Federal Council today took the decision not to sign the agreement, and communicated this decision to the EU. This brings the negotiations on the draft of the InstA to a close. The Federal Council nevertheless considers it to be in the shared interest of Switzerland and the EU to safeguard their well-established cooperation and to systematically maintain the agreements already in force. It therefore wishes to launch a political dialogue with the EU on continued cooperation. Meanwhile, it has tasked the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) to consider how autonomous amendments to Swiss legislation might contribute to the stabilisation of Swiss–EU relations.

Upgrading water infrastructure in Croatia's karst mountains

02.02.2021 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Switzerland is helping to upgrade the drinking-water and sewerage infrastructure in Croatia's mountain region of Gorski Kotar in the north-west. The aim of the project is to reduce water loss and connect more homes to the sewerage system. This contributes to water conservation and economic development in the region.

Supporting innovation in Croatia

22.01.2021 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Innovation is an important factor in countries' economic development. However, government spending for research and development is often limited. In Croatia, Switzerland provides promising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with support for the launch and development of innovative new projects. Five SMEs have succeeded in obtaining funding from the European Eurostars programme with Switzerland's support.

Road safety: Croatian project partners visit Switzerland

02.12.2019 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
A study visit by a Croatian delegation to explore road safety in Switzerland has been successfully completed. Swiss partner organisation Pro Velo along with researchers and transport policy experts all contributed actively to the success of the project with their specialist input. During the visit, Switzerland highlighted how its contribution to the enlarged EU played a significant role and valuable contacts were established.

2018 annual report on Switzerland's contribution to the enlarged EU

08.05.2019 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
The 2018 annual report on Switzerland's contribution to the enlarged EU presents the results achieved in the last three remaining country programmes that are still under way: mine clearance in Croatia, the promotion of SMEs in Romania and the delivery of decommissioned trams from Basel to Bulgaria. Parliament is currently deciding on the future of the enlargement contribution. In principle, it has approved a second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states.

Funding and support programme for Croatian SMEs

04.02.2019 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
By contributing to the Croatian Eurostars programme, Switzerland supports international research and development undertaken by Croatian SMEs in cooperation with European partners. Successful applicants can use the funding to develop innovative products, processes and services and launch them on the market. Eurostars projects also help create new jobs.

In Croatia's woods 3,585 mines have been defused

20.12.2018 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Mines and other explosive remnants of war are a dangerous legacy from Croatia's 1991–96 war and compromise the safety of the local people. Integrating mine victims economically and socially is a challenge for Croatian society. Switzerland's demining project under its enlargement contribution aims to improve life quality for people living in mined areas.

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