Special School and Centre of Cultural Integration Lodygowice
- 31.12.2014
The project will improve the premises of the special school for handicapped children in Lodygowice, by renovating and upgrading the existing premises as well as expanding them and providing some specialist equipment.
Projet terminé
Increasing the Effectiveness of Migration Management
- 31.12.2016
The number of migrants arriving to Poland is steadily increasing. Because of this phenomenon, the new Migration Policy of the country recognises the need of strengthening Poland's institutional capacity to manage migration and to improve the skills of the people and entities dealing with migrants.
Projet terminé
L’expertise suisse au service de la sécurité routière en Pologne

- 31.10.2016
Grâce au projet Road Safety, la Suisse a contribué à une amélioration de la sécurité routière en Pologne. L’échange de connaissances et la modernisation de l’infrastructure ont permis de réduire le nombre de morts sur les routes polonaises. Le modèle suisse d'aide aux victimes a par ailleurs servi de base à la révision de la loi sur la circulation routière.
Pays/région | Thème | Période | Budget |
Pologne |
Non Affecté / Non Specifié
Secteur non spécifié
Accroître la sécurité publique
Sécurité des frontières
01.06.2012 - 31.10.2016 |
CHF 3’927’902 |
Projet terminé
Alcohol, Tobacco and other psychoactive Substances Prevention by women in the reproductive age
- 30.06.2017
The Programme is focused on the reduction of the use of tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances by women in the reproductive age and pregnant women. Apart from this main target group, it will target partners of pregnant women, students and teachers of upper secondary schools, medical personnel having direct contact with the main target group, and also the general public. The main programme’s activities are: trainings for medical personnel, educational programme at workplaces and secondary schools, information and awareness raising campaign.
Projet terminé
Oral Health Prevention directed to small children
- 31.03.2017
The programme is focused on education, promotion and prevention as regards oral health care directed to small children (0-5), their parents, carers and teachers. It also targets medical personnel dealing with small children – paediatrician, nurses and midwives. The overall goal is to reduce prevalence and incidence of dental caries in children aged 0-5 by promoting appropriate oral hygiene practices and good dietary habits counteracting harmful habits and practices.
Projet terminé
Modernisation des points de passage frontaliers dans la voïvodie de Podlachie (Połowce)
- 30.11.2016
Il est important pour la Pologne et pour l’UE, mais aussi pour la sécurité de la Suisse, que la frontière orientale de l’espace Schengen soit efficace et pleinement opérationnelle. Dans le cadre de sa contribution à l’élargissement, la Suisse investit de ce fait dans des infrastructures modernes permettant d’assurer le bon déroulement des opérations de dédouanement aux points de passage frontaliers entre la Pologne et le Bélarus qui revêtent une importance stratégique. La Pologne représente l’une des frontière extérieure Schengen de l’UE les plus longues avec près de 1200 kilomètres.
Pays/région | Thème | Période | Budget |
Pologne |
Non Affecté / Non Specifié
Secteur non spécifié
Accroître la sécurité publique
Sécurité des frontières
01.04.2012 - 30.11.2016 |
CHF 15’886’806 |
Projet terminé
Revitalization of Vistula River oxbows
- 31.12.2016
The project aims at regenerating and protecting of 15 oxbows where intervention is most needed, thus making an important contribution to the conservation of the most valuable habitats in the Upper Vistula River valley. At the same time, it will lead to enhanced knowledge and awareness of the natural value and importance of oxbows among local communities, local public authorities as well as tourists, which will contribute to preserve existing oxbows in the long term.
Projet terminé
The Fund for Non-Governmental Organisations under the Swiss - Polish Cooperation Programme – NGO Block Grant (Phase 2)
- 31.03.2016
The NGO Block Grant contributes to the strengthening of civic participation in Poland, in order to support the role of the civil society as an important factor of the social and economic cohesion in the country. Active and competent NGOs can facilitate and increase the engagement and participation of citizens and contribute to the social cohesion.
Projet terminé
Protection of the Carpathian forest fauna - migration corridors
- 31.12.2016
The project aims at protecting the forest fauna of the Polish Carpathians and adjacent border areas by identifying and promoting migration corridors. Information and awareness building activities shall contribute to improve the knowledge of the importance of migration corridors among the population and public authorities.
Projet terminé
Carpathian Convention
- 31.12.2016
By developing networking and promotional activities among organisation and institution engaged in the implementation of the Carpathian Convention the project would like to encourage a sustainable socio-economic development of the Carpathians with emphasis on preserving the Carpathian’s natural and cultural heritage.
Projet terminé
Polish-Swiss Research Programme (PSRP), Phase II
- 14.06.2017
With the Polish Swiss Research Programme Switzerland contributes to enhancing the Polish economic competitiveness through strenghtening capacity in research. Swiss and Polish research institutions develop and implement joint research activities in the field of health, environment, ICT, renewable energy sources and nanotechnology.
Projet terminé
The Swiętorkzyskie Mountains – Our Future
- 31.03.2017
The programme aims at creating new employment opportunities particularly for young by investing in local potentials and thus developing and an attractive tourism offer and promoting locals products.