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Nepal’s President Paudel pays courtesy visit to President Amherd

12.06.2024 — Press releases Nepal
The Nepalese president Ramchandra Paudel paid a courtesy visit to his Swiss counterpart Viola Amherd on Wednesday 12 June. Switzerland and Nepal have maintained diplomatic relations since the early 1950s. On Wednesday, both sides recognised the friendliness of the relations between their two countries, their successful development cooperation and the potential for bilateral exchange.  

Invitation for Bids

28.03.2024 — Local news Nepal
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in close collaboration with the Government of Nepal (GoN) is implementing the Motorable Local Roads Bridge Programme Phase IV (Exit Phase) from year January 2021 to June 2025. As per the Constitutional provision of Nepal, the MLRBP is supporting the seven Provincial Governments in the management of motorable bridges on provincial road networks. 

Switzerland gives 144,000 COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccines to Nepal

11.11.2021 — Press releases Nepal
The Government of Switzerland has handed over 144,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines to the Secretary of Ministry of Health and Population, Dr. Roshan Pokhrel, at an event at the Ministry today. The vaccine support from Switzerland for Nepal has been done through the COVAX facility. 

Switzerland supports Nepal with essential medical supplies worth USD 8 million to combat the COVID-19 crisis

22.05.2021 — Press releases Nepal
Early today, a special cargo flight carrying the medical supplies landed in Kathmandu, where Swiss Ambassador Elisabeth von Capeller handed them directly over to Honorable Minister Hridayesh Tripathi, Ministry of Health and Population. With this, Switzerland responds to a request from the Government of Nepal for essential medical supplies to combat the ravaging COVID-19 crisis. 

Swiss contribution of CHF 19.4 million for Trail Bridges and Provincial and Local Governance Support Programme in Nepal

06.11.2019 — Press releases Nepal
The Government of Switzerland has agreed to provide technical grant assistance of CHF 19.4 million (equivalent to Nepali Rupees 2.1 billion approx.) to the Government of Nepal to implement two programmes in the country. Out of the amount, CHF 9.4 million will be spent for the implementation of Trail Bridge Sector Wide Approach Framework III, and CHF 10 million, to implement the Provincial and Local Governance Support Programme (PLGSP). Agreements to this effect were signed and exchanged between Her Excellency, Ms. Elisabeth von Capeller, Ambassador of Switzerland to Nepal and Mr. Rajan Khanal, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, on behalf of their respective governments on 06 November 2019.

Invitation for Sealed Quotation

06.04.2018 — Local news Nepal
The Government of Nepal and the Government of Switzerland have initiated River protection Works and livelihood improvement in chitwan (rpwc) - Phase II, with an objective to make people of eastern Chitwan more resilient to water induced disasters and enhance their livelihoods.

Human Rights Day 2017

10.12.2017 — Press releases Nepal
In exactly one year from today, on 10 December 2018, Switzerland together with the international community will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which 70 years after its adoption, remains of unequivocal relevance. Human rights are a necessity for our societies, an invaluable ingredient to boost peace and stability and to foster sustainable development. Human rights are at the heart of the values represented by Switzerland and its political model, which is founded on the principles of democracy, non-discrimination, gender equality, peaceful coexistence, and mutual respect among people having different religious, linguistic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Switzerland calls upon its partners to join it in making this Human Rights Day 2017 a day of unequivocal relevance for the promotion and the protection of human rights.

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