Francophonie Week 2023 in Bishkek

Local news, 06.03.2023

The French Alliance in Bishkek, jointly with the Embassies of France, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada and the EU Delegation in Kyrgyzstan, are happy to announce the holding of the 2023 edition of the Week of the Francophonie from March 9 to 18. 

Poster of Francophonie © French Alliance in Bishkek, 2023.

The "Francophonie Week" is the festival of the French language and cultures of the French-speaking countries, which is celebrated in the middle of March across the world. The organizers and partners have prepared a program for the broad public, which consists of 20 events. This year the topic is travelling. 

French is the fifth language spoken in the world, the third language for business, used by more than 300 million people on five continents, and also is known as the language of diplomacy. 88 countries are members of the International Organization of Francophonie, in 29 of which French is the official language.

The Francophonie Week will be launched on March 9 with a public screening of the French documentary film "The Snow Leopard" starting at 18:30 in Ala-Too Cinema (free entry).  

The Swiss documentary film "Ella Maillart's Extraordinary Journey" will be presented on March 17 at 18:00 at the National Historical Museum (203 Chui Ave.). The first part of the film describes the trip of Ella Maillart in the 1920 in Kyrgyzstan, cruising on the Issyk-Kul lake and then travelling by horse to the Tian Shan mountains and the Chinese border. 100 years later, François Perraudin, a Swiss photographer and movie maker, takes a similar approach describing what has changed or not in Kyrgyzstan, from the lake of Kol-Suu in the south east to the bears Isabelle in the Besh Tash natural reserve, over the rice milling in Uzgen and the petroglyphs of Saimaluu Tash. The movie gives insight in the Kyrgyz daily life as well as in the wildlife from the whole country. 

After the Swiss film a photo exhibition of Ella Maillart's journey through Kyrgyzstan will be presented (Free entry).

Screening of the Canadian film will be held on March 13 at 18:00, the Belgian film – March 14 at 18:00 at the Academy of Tourism (address: 99 Shabdan Baatyra street). Free entry.


Local news, 29.03.2023

The Minister of Labour, Social Security and Migration Mr. Kudaibergen Bazarbaev, the Ambassador of Switzerland Mr.Olivier Bangerter and the WFP Representative and Country Director Mr.Kojiro Nakai visited the Jaiyl Psychoneurological Social Inpatient Institution (SII) on March 28 upon completion of the refurbishment works for the project aimed at improving the living conditions of people residing in targeted SIIs across the country.

Visiting the Social Inpatient Institution © The Swiss Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic, 2023.

With the generous contribution of USD 473,000 from the Government of Switzerland, WFP, in partnership with the Social Protection Department under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration, completed repair and construction works at the 6 priority SIIs in Chuy, Jalal-Abad, Talas and Batken provinces with worst WASH conditions (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene). In particular, better living conditions in terms of access to water, sanitation and hygiene have been established and the infrastructure of kitchen facilities have been improved.


In total 1200 residents, receiving social care services at SIIs, which include adult persons with disabilities and the elderly, now have access to proper WASH facilities, as well as balanced and nutritious meals. In partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Ahunbaev, WFP enhanced the physiological food norms (daily food rations for vegetables, bread, meat and etc) for all SIIs, which were not revised since 2007.


Previously, the SIIs used the same outdated food norms for adults and children, the project adjusted the norms for children and prepared a more balanced ration (less carbohydrates) for all residents of SIIs. With the updated food norms, a new decree was issued and accompanying regulation to implement food norms across all SII was developed. Additionally, WFP completed capacity strengthening activities for cooks and administration of all 16 SIIs in the country under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration on enhancing meal preparation and basic nutritional knowledge.