On 23 September 2021, the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr.Alymkadyr Beishenaliev, and the Ambassador of Switzerland to the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr.Olivier Bangerter, signed the agreement for the third phase of the Medical Education Reforms project.
Switzerland will allocate CHF 2.4 million (KGS 220 million) to continue improving professional development of medical personnel. The Ministry of Health and Social Development will continue supporting the project in its activities at all levels.
Thanks to this Swiss project, more than 14’000 practicing doctors, 25’000 practicing nurses, 6’000 residents and 7’000 nurse students will improve their knowledge. The project will also help to strengthen professional medical associations, modernize nursing education and establish an independent competency assessment centre.
Since 2013, the Government of Switzerland has been financing the Medical Education Reforms project with the technical support of the Geneva University Hospitals in collaboration with a local implementing partner “Initiatives in Medical Education”.
For more details on the project, please contact: Gulzat Orozalieva,
tel.: (0552) 701082, (0312) 398296, email: ime@ime.org.kg