60th anniversary Swiss-Korean diplomatic relations

The year 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Switzerland. Diplomatic anniversaries are opportunities to look back on decades of bilateral relations and lay the foundations for closer ties and an intensification of exchanges in the future. "60" marks the auspicious return to the year of birth after five times around the twelve-year lunar cycle. The completion of one such 60 year cycle is cause for celebration, and traditionally the festivities help sow the seeds for a successful next cycle. Switzerland is a friend of the Republic of Korea with strong political, economic, scientific and cultural ties. Both countries are "champions of innovation" with a significant potential to further establish and deepen partnerships and exchanges. The anniversary will coincide with the 70th anniversary of Switzerland’s special role at the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC). During the anniversary year, the Swiss Embassy in Seoul will be facilitating and collaborating with both Swiss and Korean partners from the public and private sectors to create memorable festivities and promote meaningful dialogues.
Official logo for the 60th anniversary
For more information on anniversary programs, please visit our official website www.swisskorea60.org