60th anniversary animated video inspired by Swiss and Korean paper cutting craft

Article, 10.02.2023

5 things that Switzerland and Korea have in common

60th anniversary animated video inspired by Swiss and Korean paper cutting craft
60th anniversary animated video inspired by Swiss and Korean paper cutting craft © Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and the Republic of Korea in 2023, the Embassy of Switzerland in Korea released an animated video featuring 5 things the two countries have in common. Inspired by traditional Swiss and Korean paper cutting craft, the video gives viewers the opportunity to learn more about the two countries.

On February 11 1963, Switzerland and the Republic of Korea have established diplomatic relations and since then the two countries have become friends in a wide range of fields including economy, trade, politics, science, technology and culture.

Enjoy our video! For more information about our anniversary, visit our website: www.swisskorea60.org

 #swisskorea60 #whereinnovationblooms


Illustration: Laura Acosta

Animation: Giannina Binder (@akemikiryu)

Script: Alissa Ditten

Review & Translation: Suhyoung Yun & Claudia Park

Logo Design: Balmer Hählen