The IDBs Amazon Bioeconomy and Forest Management Multidonor Trust Fund is dedicated to protect the amazon forest and to sustainably empowering its communities.

Pays/région Période Budget
01.10.2022 - 30.09.2026
CHF  8’000’000

Home to more than 30 million people, the Amazon region is critically important to ecosystems worldwide: it provides between 35% and 40% of Latin America’s fresh water, regulates air quality, stores net carbon emissions, and regulates nutrient and hydrological cycles for the South American continent. More than two million people are indigenous, many of them live below the poverty line and are highly vulnerable to effects of climate change. Fostering sustainable and inclusive development models across the Amazon biome is therefore a cornerstone for the advancement of the SDGs in this region.


The proposed Fund will be an anchor donor fund of the Amazon Initiative. As such, the Fund aims to support the objective of fostering socio environmentally sustainable and inclusive economic development models in the Amazon region. This will benefit its diverse communities especially through the thematic areas of Sustainable Agriculture, Livestock- and Forest Management, as well as Bioeconomy. The Initiative’s three transversal issues (forest conservation- gender and diversity- institutional strengthening) are integrated throughout the portfolio of technical cooperation operations, investment grant operations, and enabling activities. The Fund will have a focus on sustainable and resilient landscapes, forest protection, amazon-positive value chains and sustainability in commodities supply chains in the Amazon region.

Effets à moyen terme

Resilient and diverse Landscapes

Strengthened planning processes addressing land rights, regularization and tenure, and community-based governance models

Established monitoring systems for landscape areas

Established REDD+ results-based finance mechanisms

Amazon-positive Value-Chains

Science, research, traditional and indigenous knowledge, and innovation for sustainable and inclusive bioeconomy that generates local benefits generated

Implementation of land and water management strategies for restoration of degraded landscapes and waterbodies

Sustainability in Commodity Supply Chains

Partnerships, policies, financing models, and traceability systems implemented

Sustainable practices, traceability, and value-added transformation for increased quality and productivity in timber supply chains implemented

Sustainability and monitoring systems in commodity supply chains implemented


Principaux résultats attendus:  

In Result 1, grants will finance advisory for and/or training of government entities in the areas such a land use planning, legislation, early warning systems, REDD+ result-based finance mechanisms.

Result 2 will support inclusive private bio-businesses and their supply chains through dedicated financing solutions designed to help overcome the prevailing financing challenges for the sector in each country. To deploy this result, a holistic approach to technical assistance and investment grants proposes activities in both the supply and demand sides of the financing, using a set of tailored instruments to finance projects in various stages of development.

In Result 3, the main objective is to develop and implement innovative schemes for private participation in the sustainable management of forests and other conservation areas. This includes providing incentives for sustainable and deforestation free supply chains, including new partnerships, policies, financing models, traceability.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

This Fund was launched in 2021. External evaluations will be undertaken in 2024 and 2028.

Direction/office fédéral responsable SECO
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    8’000’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF    38’700’000
Phases du projet Phase 1 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2026   (Phase en cours)