Kazanchis+1 at World Music Festival

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Sunday, 02.10.2016 – Thursday, 06.10.2016, Pro Helvetia


In December 2008, Swiss musician Jeroen Visser found himself jamming with Mesele Asmamaw from Ethiopia and Fabien Duscombs from France in the district of Kazanchis, Ethiopia. Their electric chemistry led them to form the band Kazanchis+1, an ode to the district that has brought many musicians and dancers together. With Duscombs holding down lively beats, multi-instrumentalist, Visser adds his spirit of experimentation and punk rebellion to Asmamaw’s mastery and innovation on the krar (Ethiopian lyre). The result is a psychedelic-tinged jazz funk. The trio will be in China in October for the World Music Festival.

Location: Shanghai; Chongqing; Foshan