Book Talks with Author Andrea Bertagni

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Sunday, 16.10.2016 – Sunday, 23.10.2016, Settimana della Lingua Italiananel Mondo


The Saint-Gotthard Massif mountain range and a vault filled with gold bars are at the center of a captivating plot in A Gold Mountain (Una Montagna D’oro), a novel by Andrea Bertagni set near thesmall village of Airolo. The largest bank in Switzerland has decided to hide its treasure, but the unexpected excavation of a railway tunnel and the new Alp Transit tunnel attracts criminals and adventurers willing to do anything on their quest for fortune. Bertagni takes readers on an adventure full of hope, betrayal, intrigue, murder, vengeance, and love. Hear the author speak at The Bookworm in Beijing and other locations in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

The 16th Italian Language Week in the World will be held from October 17 to 23. As one of Switzerland’s four national languages, Italian is spoken by approximately 8.4 percent of the country’s population. Under the mission of promoting Switzerland’s cultural diversity, the Swiss Embassy and its Consulates General in China support the Settimana della Lingua Italiananel Mondo (Italian Language Week in the World) initiated by the Italian Foreign Ministry, and celebrate classic and contemporary Italian culture and language each year.

16.10/Beijing - 19:30 @Bookworm

20.10/Shanghai - 09:00 @SISU

23.10/Guangzhou - TBC 

Location: Beijing; Shanghai; Guangzhou