The goal of the Effective Democratic Institutions, Human Safety and Security is that people benefit from and make use of stronger and more democratic institutions as well we human safety and security.
The present one is complementary to the Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development domain. Under this domain, Switzerland continues to assist sub-national governments in better performing their functions. At the regional level, opportunities are explored for cross-border cooperation among local authorities. At the policy level, Switzerland promotes effective decentralization, public-private dialogue and institutionalization of disaster risk management.
Switzerland is working with relevant stakeholders in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia on conflict related issues. Selected high-level mediation initiatives and policy dialogue focusing on the political resolution of the conflicts are meant to be complemented with support to, and facilitation of, new local peace building activities and dialogue to rebuild relationships between divided societies.
The domain also includes two non-core programmes: Regional Arts and Culture and Regional Small Actions. The Regional Arts and Culture programme promotes innovative and creative art and culture initiatives that critically reflect the current social, economic and political situation. The Small Actions programme targets various small and innovative projects initiated by local organizations.