Somalia, UNFPA Support to Health, Gender and Data

This programme will work closely with health workers arid health authorities at the state and federal level to improve access and quality of health services. Focus will be on maternal and child health, and sexual and reproductive health for the youth and adults. At the same time, the programme will address gender issues around gender based violence while also working on collecting data on the general population that can be used for evidence based programming within the health sector.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Renforcement des systèmes de santé
Santé & droits reproductives
Violence sexuelle & sexiste
01.06.2021 - 31.12.2025
CHF  11’000’000
Contexte The public health system in Somalia remains fragile as the country rebuilds itself after two decade of conflict. While the 2020 Somali Health and Demographic Data Survey shows considerable gains have been made in some health focus areas, the health statistics are among the worst in the world. The maternal mortality rate stands at 692 per 100'000 live births and access to skilled birth attendants stands at 320,6 There is high demographic growth due to low access and uptake modem birth spacing methods. In terms of gender, 99% of women have been subjected to the practice of Female Genital Mutilation policies to criminalize such issues are yet to be passed as law. COVID-19 has also brought its own set of challenges to an already stretched health system. Humanitarian issues such as recurrent droughts, floods which result in nutrition deficiencies and water borne diseases continue to burden Somalia. This programme will work in this fragile context both and respond to the huge needs around maternal and reproductive health, The Swiss support to this programme will allow Switzerland to feed its recognized nexus experience in the Horn of Africa, and to sharpen its profile on Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the region, based on SDC's worldwide experience.
Objectifs The overall goal of the programme is to improve the health, well-being and rights of women, adolescents and youth, and the most vulnerable populations.
Groupes cibles Women, youth, populations effected by humanitarian crisis key populations at risk of HIV will be the program’s primary targets. The duty bearers include Ministries of Gender, Health, Justice and Religious Affairs in the Federal and level. UNFPA will also work with 'NGOs and Ovi: Society organizations to provide health services, The program will also work with the National Bureau of statistics to ensure information on health data is captured  and can be used for sectoral planning.
Effets à moyen terme

1.    Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence;

2.    Youth and adolescents are empowered to realize their serial reproductive health and reproductive rights and participate in sustainable development, humanitarian action and sustaining peace;

3.    Gender equality, the empowerment all women and girls and reproductive rights are advanced in development and humanitarian settings;

4.    Everyone everywhere is counted end accounted for in the pursuit of sustainable development.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

-    Strengthened national and subnational capacities to ensure universal access to high quality sexual and reproductive health information and services;

-    Increased demand and uptake of maternal health, family planning, and other sexual and reproductive services and through behavior change communication and advocacy outreach, including in fragile and humanitarian settings;

-    Enhanced the multisectoral capacity to prevent end address gender based violence using a continuum app coach in al contexts, with a focus on advocacy, data, health and health systems, psychosocial support and coordination;

-    Strengthened response to abandon female genital mutilation and other harmful practices, including in humanitarian contexts

-    Improved national population data systems with a focus on mapping and addressing  end to strengthening response in humanitarian crises.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

-    1 '531 female midwives trained according to international standards;

-    27 basic and 9 comprehensive emergency obstetric  and newborn facilities, which have assisted 166'709 deliveries;

-    346 communities declared abandonment of female genital mutilation. Revised the midwives-training curriculum to include female genital mutilation/cutting and provision of minimum services under sexual and reproductive health interventions during interventions. GBV services provided to 33' 189 beneficiaries;

-    77 one-stop centers providing services to survivors of gender based violence established in Somalia-Developed guidelines, protocols and standards for health care workers for the delivery of quality sexual reproductive health services for adolescents and youth in Somalia;

-    Completion of the first Somali Health and Data Survey that has information on the population demographic.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Organisme des Nations Unies (ONU)
  • Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement

Autres partenaires
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Support to UNFPA complements other SDC engagements in the health sector (Private Sector Partnerships for Health, One Health projects, support to primary health care). Also complements SOC's core contribution to UNFPA (16 Mio per year for 20172021 The program also complements other Oasis: health services programs in Somalia complementary to SDC efforts.
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    11’000’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    6’894’000
Phases du projet Phase 2 01.06.2021 - 31.12.2025   (Phase en cours) Phase 1 01.06.2019 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)