Programmes/projects in Romania

As part of the second Swiss Contribution to selected EU member states, the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme (SRCP) aims at improving the lives of Romania's inhabitants, and at strengthening existing and create new Swiss-Romanian partnerships between public institutions and private organisations at all levels. The SRCP targets areas where there are recognised needs of Romania as well as opportunities for Switzerland to add value with its expertise and experience.
The Framework Agreement signed between Swiss and Romanian governments in December 2022 foresees 11 programs (also called support measures), which contribute to at least one of the following 5 objectives :
- Promoting economic growth and social dialogue, reducing (youth) unemployment;
- Managing migration and supporting integration. Increasing public safety and security;
- Protecting the environment and the climate;
- Strengthening of social systems;
- Civic Engagement and transparency;
The Swiss financing amounts CHF 221.5 million and the 11 programs have to be completed by the end of 2029.
If you would like to find out more about Switzerland's second contribution to Romania, you will find a factsheet below.
Factsheet second Swiss contribution to Romania (PDF, 2 Pages, 342.8 kB, English)