The Swiss Cooperation Programme Horn of Africa (2022-2025) covers the whole of Somalia, south/south-eastern Ethiopia and north/north-eastern Kenya. The strategy focuses on four main themes:
- Food Systems
- Health
- Migration & Protection
- Good Governance
Gender, Good Governance and Conflict Sensitive Programme Management (CSPM) are cross-cutting issues for all Swiss actors.
For more information see our strategic themes.
The overall goal of Switzerland‘s engagement in the Horn of Africa is to contribute to the reduction of poverty, improve human security and stability, and address migration challenges.
Switzerland’s engagement in the region combines humanitarian and development instruments, political and diplomatic measures, migration and security tools into a "whole of government" approach. Objectives are shared and synergies developed amid the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Department of Justice and Police. Policy dialogue at national and regional level, donor coordination, aid effectiveness principles in fragile and conflict affected contexts, as well as humanitarian core principles, are systematically promoted.
Switzerland partners with UN agencies, donors, international and local NGO’s, regional institutions, governmental institutions and the private sector.
For more information see the Swiss Cooperation Programme Horn of Africa (2022-2025) (PDF, 56 Pages, 3.5 MB, English)