Delphine Depres "Doline"

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Sunday, 10.01.2016 – Sunday, 17.01.2016


© Héloïse Rochette

Delphine Depres is a visual artist, video director and performer who graduated from the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD) in 2008.

Her research and experimentations are focused on exploring the question of theatricality in projected image. She has built a dedicated object/ instrument/ stage which allow the playing of sound by capturing tiny noises made by frictions of sand against other materials.

Sand is the result of billion years of erosion and is now a disappearing resource because of human's utilization.

It's characterized by its ability to flow, constantly moving, both one and multiple, minuscule and gigantic.

info: Delphine Depres
JAN 10–11    Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo
JAN 13         Gallery COEXIST, Tokyo
JAN 15         Shimauma Salon, Tokyo
JAN 17         environment 0g, Osaka

Location: Tokyo, Osaka