New Publication: “150 years of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan”

Local news, 16.01.2017

We have the pleasure to announce the release of a special publication commemorating the 1864 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Switzerland and Japan. The book, which is now available for download, was originally designed for the 150 year anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan celebrated in 2014.

A printed reproduction of the book was offered as a commemorative present to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2014, during the official visit to Japan of Didier Burkhalter, the president of the Swiss confederation on the occasion of the 150 year anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan.

The document is a reproduction of the original treaty and includes a beautifully illustrated scroll depicting the Sado Island gold mines, special congratulatory messages by the Ambassadors of both countries and background information regarding the treaty and the beginnings of the Swiss-Japanese ties. The treaty marked the start of fruitful commercial relations and a long-lasting friendship between Switzerland and Japan.”

Publication “150 years of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan
Jubilee Appraisal and Reproduction of the 1864 Original Versions of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce Switzerland – Japan.