Public holidays

The Embassy of Switzerland will be closed to the public on the following dates in 2025:

01.01.2025 Wednesday New Year
02.01.2025 Thursday Berchtold Day
20.03.2025 Thursday Equinox 
23.03.2025 Sunday Norooz
02.04.2025 Wednesday Nature Day
20.04.2025 Sunday Easter Sunday
21.04.2025 Monday Easter Monday
08.06.2025 Sunday Pentecost (Whit Sunday)
09.06.2025 Monday   Pentecost
06.07.2025 Sunday Ashura
11.09.2025 Thursday Birthday of the Prophet
27.11.2025 Thursday Martydom of Fatemeh
24.12.2025 Tuesday Christmas Eve
25.12.2025 Wednesday Christmas Day
31.12.2025 Wednesday New Year's Eve