Protection and emergency care for vulnerable and unaccompanied minors
- 30.06.2025
The number of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina remains high with more than 10% of them being unaccompanied minors in need of essential care and special protection due to their vulnerabilities. As the state system is not yet able to fully address their needs, assistance from external actors remains crucial to provide the much-needed support to this vulnerable group of migrants and to safeguard their rights.
Diaspora knowledge mobility project
- 31.10.2027
Many members of the 2 million diaspora of Bosnia and Herzegovina are ready to contribute to the development of their country with their knowledge, skills and investments. Switzerland supports the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees in creating mechanisms for transfer of diaspora knowledge and skills to local development actors, scientific, research and educational institutions and students, which will contribute to Bosnia’s economic and social development.
Joint Programme Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (JP DRR)
- 30.11.2027
The authorities at all administrative levels will be supported to transform from reactive to proactive multi-sectoral disaster risk management and develop country-wide harmonized frameworks. Disaster risk reduction platforms will be set at all government levels to ensure better understanding of disaster risks and coordination of priority investments to increase resilience of vulnerable communities with a special focus on excluded population groups.
Strengthening Vocational Education and Training - SVET
- 30.06.2026
The project will enhance the employability of young people by improving the Technical Vocational Education and Training System (TVET) of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This will be achieved by ensuring that practical training is conducted on the job and that collaboration among employers, TVET schools and education authorities is institutionalised and anchored in the regulatory framework. TVET students will acquire labour market relevant skills that will allow them to find decent jobs, while private sector will be more competitive with skilled labour.
Youth for Change
- 28.02.2027
Switzerland contributes to the overall strategy of the youth organization Mozaik in its efforts to mobilize and empower young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Young people will develop their competences and mobilize their peers in youth-led community projects. Successful and motivated young people will be further supported in their entrepreneurial endeavors aiming at positive social impact and creation of decent jobs. They will serve as role models for other youth and lay the groundwork for social and economic change in their local communities.
Healthy Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 31.10.2027
The high prevalence of smoking, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and alcohol missuse leads to 90% of deaths in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a loss in quality of life caused by preventable non-communicable diseases. This overburdens the health system which is mostly providing expensive curative services. The project will support the health authorities in reforming the health system to focus more on health promotion and disease prevention and ensuring citizens improve health literacy and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 30.11.2026
The health system of BiH is expensive and providing poor quality services, partly due to underutilised potential of nurses. With the support of the project, the health authorities will reform the profession of nurses by aligning nursing practice to quality standards, improving their capacities, expanding their tasks and stimulating homebased care and health education. This will enhance the coverage, quality and cost-effectiveness of health services thereby improving the health status of men and women in BiH.
Multi-donor Trust Fund: Health Sector Strengthening in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 30.09.2026
The reform of the health care system is an urgent priority in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as neither health services nor health insurance match people's needs. The project will facilitate the health reform process, leading to improved quality of health services, increased financial sustainability and accountability. It will influence the health care system to become more responsive to the needs of the citizens including the vulnerable ones.
Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development through the Youth Advisory Board
- 30.04.2025
The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) gives young people the opportunity to include the voices of youth in the Swiss Cooperation Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interventions will better reflect and address the needs and challenges of young people, increasing their impact and relevance. At the same time, YAB members improve their critical thinking, develop ways of articulating important messages to decision makers and influencing policies. They become empowered to actively engage in the development processes in the country and shape their society.
Making Markets work for the next generation
- 31.12.2026
MarketMakers (MM) introduces missing and strengthens underperforming market functions in the IT and Business/Knowledge-Process-Outsourcing (BPO/KPO) sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). MM induces economic growth in private companies and contributes to create new and better jobs. MM further supports youth employment and entrepreneurship by improving conditions for self-employment, business creation and freelancing. This consolidation phase of MM will ensure further scale and sustainability of interventions.
Municipal Environmental Governance (MEG)
- 31.03.2025
Close to one quarter of the municipalities in the country will adopt a new performance management system, in line with the reforms of the public administration. Elected officials and municipal administrations will perform their duties and interact with citizens in a more responsive and transparent way. Citizens will benefit from better services, in particular in the water sector, in line with the European Union standards, and by developing synergies with the World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Modernization Programme. The regulatory framework at all levels will be improved to support these reforms.
Civil Society Support in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 31.05.2027
Citizens will increase their influence on policy making through their active engagement with civil society organisations. Through improvement of their know-how on civic participation and engagement in civil society alliances, civil society organisations will effectively participate in democratic processes, demand reforms from the authorities, and contribute to social change in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They will increasingly act as advocates for democratic reforms, gender equality, human rights and social inclusion rather than as service providers.