
Press releases

Here you will find media information on matters concerning European policy. Press releases and other information for the media from the various federal departments and offices can be accessed via the Federal Administration’s media portal.

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Object 481 – 492 of 638

President receives British Minister of State for Trade Policy

14.09.2016 — Press releases Europa
President Johann N. Schneider-Ammann today met the British Minister of State for Trade Policy, Lord Price. The meeting focused on the state of bilateral economic relations. Discussions also covered the outcome of the UK referendum to leave the EU, and its impact on the country’s future trade policy. The two partners agreed that bilateral economic relations should be maintained and strengthened. The bilateral dialogue should be intensified in the coming months.

President Schneider-Ammann holds official talks with Maltese president and prime minister

10.09.2016 — Press releases Europa
President Johann N. Schneider-Ammann concluded his visit to Malta on Saturday by meeting Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. He was received for a state visit on Friday by the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. The Republic of Malta will assume the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2017.

The Federal Council extends the interim solution for Erasmus+ until the end of 2017

07.09.2016 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council has extended the 2014–2016 interim solution for Swiss participation in individual projects of the European mobility programme Erasmus+ by one year, thus providing interested Swiss nationals the opportunity to participate in European mobility and cooperation projects until the end of 2017.

Federal Councillor Maurer at meeting of German-speaking finance ministers

23.08.2016 — Europa
Today, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer attended the informal working meeting of German-speaking finance ministers in Vaduz. He discussed current financial and fiscal policy issues with his counterparts Wolfgang Schäuble (Germany), Hans Jörg Schelling (Austria), Adrian Hasler (Liechtenstein) and Pierre Gramegna (Luxembourg).

Bundesrat Didier Burkhalter und Italiens Aussenminister Paolo Gentiloni tauschen sich über Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit aus

22.08.2016 — Press releases Europa
Die bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen der Schweiz und Italien sowie die Europapolitik standen im Zentrum des Gesprächs zwischen Bundesrat Didier Burkhalter und seinem italienischen Amtskollegen Paolo Gentiloni, welches am 22. August 2016 am Rande der diesjährigen Botschafter- und Aussennetzkonferenz in Genf stattfand. Die beiden Aussenminister beschlossen, sich insbesondere im Bereich der Europapolitik enger abzusprechen.

Swiss Labour Force Survey in 2nd quarter 2016: labour supply – 1.6% increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition rises slightly to 4.3%

18.08.2016 — Press releases Europa

Neuchâtel, The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.6% between the 2nd quarter 2015 and the 2nd quarter 2016. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) increased slightly from 4.2% to 4.3%. The EU's unemployment rate decreased from 9.5% to 8.6%. These are some of the survey results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

Foreign ministers of German-speaking countries discuss European issues and advocate closer cooperation on European security

05.08.2016 — Press releases Europa
Meeting today at Gutenberg Castle in Balzers (Liechtenstein), the foreign ministers of the five German-speaking countries decided to collaborate more closely on the prevention of violent extremism, cooperative security in Europe and other regions and the promotion of the German language. The ministers also underlined the importance of close, constructive relations between the members of the European Union and neighbouring countries like Switzerland.

Space for Europe – Citizens’ Debate in Luzern

26.07.2016 — Press releases Europa
On 10 September 2016, citizens from the 22 Member States of the European Space Agency ESA will participate in the first Citizens’ Debate on Space for Europe, in their respective countries. In the course of the day, citizens will have the opportunity to learn more about the significance of space and participate in the debate; proposing their views on all aspects of current and future space programmes.

President Schneider-Ammann meets European Commission President Juncker

16.07.2016 — Press releases Europa
President Johann N. Schneider-Ammann met with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the fringes of the 11th ASEM Summit (Asia-Europe Meeting) in Mongolia on Saturday, 16 July. They discussed the state of ongoing talks between Switzerland and the European Union on a mutually acceptable solution to implementing Article 121a of the Federal Constitution with the framework of the existing Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons.

Federal Council approves new Strategy for Communication Abroad

Swiss Pavilion at the Expo Milano 2015

06.07.2016 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council approved Switzerland’s Strategy for Communication Abroad 2016–19 at its meeting today. Under the motto 'Strengthening the strengths', the strategy focuses on the priority areas for Switzerland’s communication abroad in the coming years. Its aim is to promote a positive and nuanced perception of Switzerland abroad and so help the country to safeguard its interests at an international level.

Object 481 – 492 of 638

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