The second Swiss contribution will benefit selected member states of the European Union (EU). A total of CHF 190 million has been set aside for migration projects. This particular framework credit will be used up to the end of 2029 to support EU member states particularly affected by migration. Switzerland is currently implementing bilateral programmes with Greece, Cyprus and Italy.
The agreement signed in Rome sets out the principles and focus of cooperation with Italy. The money will be used to help Italy expand its reception capacities in order to cope with the high number of arrivals: the CHF 20 million is earmarked for the accommodation and care of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (UMAs). Switzerland and Italy would also like to work more closely together on migration issues within this framework, in particular on accelerated asylum procedures.
In both Switzerland's and Europe's interests
Switzerland's cooperation under the second Swiss contribution reaffirms the country's commitment to solidarity with those EU member states that are particularly affected by migration. These countries take on important tasks in registering and providing accommodation for migrants.
Areas addressed by migration framework credit
The second Swiss contribution migration framework credit will go towards strengthening migration management structures in Europe with the aim of preventing irregular secondary migration. Support can be provided in the following areas: asylum procedures, infrastructure, return and reintegration assistance and integration measures.
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SEM Information and Communication, medien@sem.admin.ch