Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin meets with Slovenia’s Minister for Economic Affairs Matjaž Han

Press releases, 10.04.2024

On 10 April, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Guy Parmelin received Slovenia’s Minister of the Economy, Tourism and Sport Matjaž Han. The excellent economic relations between Switzerland and Slovenia were at the centre of the exchange in Bern.

In recent years, trade relations between Switzerland and Slovenia have developed very dynamically: the trading volume grew by an average of 80.4% each year between 2018 and 2023, reaching CHF 27.8 billion last year. Slovenia is now Switzerland's sixth most important trading partner worldwide.

Switzerland has been Slovenia's most important trading partner since 2022 and according to the International Monetary Fund now ranks third among foreign investors. At CHF 2.4 billion, Swiss investment accounts for 11.3% of all foreign investment in Slovenia. The close relations between the two countries go far beyond trade and investment: they also have close ties in the areas of research and education.

The remarkable increase in trade is mainly due to strategic initiatives of the Swiss pharmaceutical industry in Slovenia. These include productive investments in products with very high added value, the establishment of efficient distribution centres for the import, export and transit of medicines, and a significant contribution to processing traffic by the Swiss pharmaceutical industry.

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Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research