Publications (45)
Guidebook: Supply chain finance by Development banks and public entities

The objectives of the guidebook are to demonstrate the importance of SCF with regard to the goals of the development banks and other public entities, to discuss the interests of stakeholders and main participants, to provide descriptions of various approaches for SCF initiatives and how they pursue the private-sector involvement, to explain the features of relevant products and how the establishment of adequate enabling frameworks can support the SCF market, and to provide step-by-step guidance on the development and implementation process for an SCF initiative.
Success Story Series of the Mekong Urban Flood Resilience Programme

“Mekong Urban Flood Resilience Programme” (FPP) was co-financed by SECO and BMZ, with SECO sharing the vast majority of the costs. Implementation commenced on 01 January 2017 and ended on 31 December 2019. Continuing the steering structure established under phase one, FPP was implemented in partnership between MoC and GIZ
Success story #6: From policy to people - Land subsidence in the Mekong Delta

The impact of land subsidence on various aspects of human life is quite evident and visible all over the Mekong-Delta. Effects include an increase in river-induced floods; erosion; salt water intrusion from the sea; instability of buildings (tilting, cracks); and the damaging and breaking of drinking water, sewerage, and drainage pipes. In the long run, lowlying areas will be submerged permanently. None of these effects are desirable.
Success story #4: Disaster risk management

A disaster arises when an extreme natural event strikes a vulnerable society. Whether a natural event becomes a disaster depends mainly on the social, economic, ecological and political characteristics of the society in question. Present day Disaster Risk Management (DRM) seeks to reduce a society’s vulnerability to extreme natural events so that even if such events occur they do not result in a disaster. Natural events can generally not be prevented – but their impact can be mitigated. It should be borne in mind that vulnerability arises from the susceptibility, coping capacity and adaptive capacity of individuals, households, communities and states. Reducing vulnerability therefore involves reducing the factors that contribute to it at all levels.
Success Story #2: Drainage Tariff Roadmaps

Despite more than three decades of impressive growth since the onset of economic reforms in Vietnam in 1986, many constraints of the pre-doi moi socialist state’s centrally planned economy continue to dominate management approaches of Government officials, administrative systems, institutional frameworks as well as planning and regulation in many sectors. This is particularly evident in state-run public utilities such as urban wastewater disposal and drainage management, which Vietnamese typically see as free-of- charge services to be provided by the state.
Success story #3: Flood modelling & city drainage planning

Cities in Vietnam overly rely on traditional drainage systems to discharge surface-runoff. Often, when overflowing rivers concur with intense rainfall, this underground infrastructure does not have the capacity to drain the water in time. As a result, areas with high population density, critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and schools, and low-lying areas, where the poor and vulnerable often dwell, get flooded. In particular in the Mekong-Delta, urban flooding will increase due to climate change and other factors.
Success story #1: Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)

Floods occur frequently in Viet Nam’s cities. In addition to seasonal flooding, random extreme flood events have disastrous economic and civilian impacts. The flood in the year 2000 alone took over 800 lives. Of all natural hazards present in Viet Nam, flooding is the most frequent, the most economically damaging and the deadliest. Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) are systems designed to efficiently manage the drainage of surface water in the urban environment.
Success Story #5: Regional Coordination in the Mekong-Delta

The Mekong-Delta has been farmed for many generations and is one of the principle agricultural regions of Vietnam, contributing 50 percent of total food output and 90 percent of rice exports, as well as 70 percent of fruit and 65 percent of aquatic products. Although productivity is still high, it is at risk from multiple threats and any decline in output would have severe consequences not just for the region but for the country as a whole.
Synopsis of Bank-Funded BRT Projects

This document serves as an inventory and synopsis of the completed Bank-funded Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) projects from the year 2000 through September 2018. It documents findings related to select aspects discussed in the case study cities, including significant experiences, challenges, successes and lessons learned, to relay practical, ground-level guidance on BRT planning and implementation. This guide also serves to enrich the global body of knowledge related to BRT development and implementation. The target audience includes the World Bank’s transport practitioners, client cities, partners, and stakeholders.
Ninh Thuan Solar Power Project Factsheet

Vietnam’s energy demand is increasing at approximately 10% per annum in line with the needs of its fast-growing economy. As hydropower is becoming more scarce, the government is committed to shifting the energy mix towards non-hydro renewables, with a target for solar power to represent 3.3% of national power output by 2030.
Đánh giá sự thích ứng với ngập lụt đô thị và quản lý thoát nước của Việt Nam dưới tác động của biến đổi khí hậu

Ấn phẩm lần này tập trung vào lĩnh vực quản lý thoát nước và khả năng thích ứng của đô thị đối với ngập lụt dưới tác động của Biến đổi khí hậu. Mục đích của tài liệu này là nghiên cứu đánh giá kế hoạch ứng phó úng ngập, quản lý hạ tầng thoát nước đô thị ở Việt Nam và đưa ra các khuyến nghị xem xét đến yếu tố BĐKH. Tài liệu này tổng kết những kinh nghiệm chúng tôi tích lũy được trong nhiều năm hợp tác và hoạt động trong lĩnh vực quản lý thoát nước đô thị. Chúng tôi mong rằng, đây sẽ là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích, giúp quý độc giả và các cơ quan, đơn vị tham gia Chương trình sẽ có được cái nhìn tổng quan về chính sách cũng như các giải pháp kỹ thuật được trình bày, trên cơ sở đó có thể áp dụng được một số bài học kinh nghiệm trong công việc của mình.
Trouble Underground – Land Subsidence in the Mekong Delta

This report aims to contribute to a better understanding of land subsidence in the Mekong Delta. There are different drivers affecting the sinking land surface in the region. To what extent is the land sinking? In which locations? Is it occurring quickly or slowly? These are simple questions. Based on existing data it is not difficult to answer these questions. In contrast, questions concerning why subsidence is happening and what can be done to reduce its impacts, are much more challenging. It is clear that natural and anthropogenic factors are contributing. However, to what extent different drivers are responsible in different locations is still not well understood. The main contribution of this report is the introduction of new data describing the sinking of land using satellite based methods. Radar satellites collected a large amount of data with high precision covering the total area of the Mekong Delta. The new data describe vertical movements at 750,000 points in the Mekong Delta, and for each point 180 different time series data are available. This totals more than 135 million values and represents a big step forward compared to previously available data. The large amount of data allows a more detailed spatial and temporal analysis of land subsidence. Some infrastructure, such as buildings, bridges, and power pylons can be identified