The Vertigo Quartet, founded as a collective, unites four of the most creative trombonists of the German and Swiss music scene. Playing only its own compositions, the ensemble dissolves the stylistic boundaries between jazz, classical music and free improvisation. Technical brilliance, the spirit of the ensemble and soloist ingenuity in improvisation all get their turn here. Displaying musically at the highest level, the Vertigo Quartet demolishes the cliché of the trombone’s sluggishness, resembling rather a fleet-footed string quartet, which incorporates all the distinct features of this varied brass instrument into the music.
Contemporary melodic construction, rhythmic precision and the depth of the blues or Bruckner-like motets are melded together to form an organic listening experience. The music tacks between eloquent Latin feeling, subtle film topics, folklore and thrust of black marching street funk music. Friends of heavy brass will find everything they want to need. In some of the pieces the musicians also grab the recorder, melodica and tuba. All of this makes Vertigo one of the most original trombone quartets worldwide – for them music and ingenuity is always paramount. Come and see them on December 13 at Opus Jazz Club at 9 p.m.
Vertigo Trombone Quartet in Opus Jazz Club
Wednesday, 13.12.2017 Wednesday, 13.12.2017
Location: Opus Jazz Club, 1093 Budapest, Mátyás utca 8.