
MOLI in Kakheti

In 2011, the SDC started a new project in one of the agricultural regions of Georgia, Kakheti, with an aim to improve the livestock market system. The project “Market Opportunities for Livelihood improvement” was implemented by the Swiss HEKS-EPER in 8 municipalities of the region. In particular, it worked with businesses and institutions from which small-scale farmers receive inputs and services, or sell their produce to. In November 2018, the project was closed having achieved its set results; notably, 82 enterprises and 27’000 farmers benefitted from the project; the productivity of dairy farmers increased by 30% and that of meat-producing farmers - by 40%; 44 VET pharmacies located in Kakheti region were fully equipped and provide improved services to 36’000 farmers.


Securing Future for Youth

This documentary is not just a story of two young graduates of Vocational Education and Training (VET) colleges, but it is also about the future perspective offered to the Georgian unemployed youth which accounts for 30 % among the youth 15-24 of age. Since 2013, Switzerland in partnership with UNDP Georgia and the Georgian Government has been implementing the vocational education and training project rooting the best it takes pride in - the dual education system.


მომავლის დასაქმება

დასაქმება საქართველოს ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე მწვავე პრობლემაა. უმუშევრობა საკმაოდ მაღალია ახალგაზრდებში, განსაკუთრებით სოფლად. სწორედ ამიტომ, 2013 წლიდან მოყოლებული შვეიცარიის მთავრობა გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამასთან ერთად ნერგავს პროფესიული განათლების შვეიცარიულ დუალურ სისტემას ისეთი წარმატებული ახალგაზრდებისათვის, როგორიც მედეა პაჭკორია და გიორგი ამირიძეა.


The Road

The documentary captures the reality and dichotomies of the Georgian people who use the ancient transhumance route.


The Country of Regions

Switzerland and Austria, together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), support Georgia in finding its own model of regional and local development, in which the local population gets involved in political decisions.